Thursday, February 18, 2021


Jack’s Winning Words  2/18/21

“Be a light, not a judge.  Be a model, not a critic.  Be a part of the solution, not the problem.”  (Stephen Covey)  Covey is known as “the management expert!”  His writings are meant to teach us how to be more effective in what we do.  “How Parents Around The World Are Inspiring Greatness In One Child At A Time,” is one of his popular books.  Stephen wants to help his readers to have a part in making this a better world.  So, hide your judging and criticism under a bushel!  ;-)  Jack

FROM LG:  Love this! Have a great day, Jack!===JACK:  It's good to hear from you again.  It's been a long time since we've had a face to face.  I'm glad that you like this WW.  Have  a great day!

FROM TRIHARDER:  If I'm the first in those pairings, I hope I can be the second, as well.===JACK:  Did you ever think of running for the bench?  I think that you'd be a good judge.  You're a good critic, the best sense of the word.===TH:  

Thought about it. Difficult name to push invite of the Irish surnames that are so popular in Oakland County. Maybe if I moved yo Hamtramck===JACK:  You would make a good judge,... knowledgeable and fair.  Oakland County is changing.  Without Brooks, the GOP is struggling.

===TH:  Thank you. I have several friends who are/were judges. One was very full of herself. The others were very humble.===JACK:  Bernie F and Denise L M are friends of mine.

FROM SF IN FL:  We relied on his work in teaching. I learned a lot in ‘The 8th Habit’ as well. Have you read it?===JACK:  Covey's is usually well done.  I have not read "The Habit."  It sounds interesting.===SF:  I actually found myself in The 8th Habit. (The ‘Transition person’)===SF:  I actually found myself in The 8th Habit. (The ‘Transition person’)===JACK:  I think, in a sense, that we are all in transition...each day is different...or, as the song goes, "This world is not my own.  We're just-a passing through."  I'm going to look up the rest of Covey's Habits.  (pause)  I'm back.  I like the Habit of putting first things first...but all of the habits he lists are good.

 FROM RS IN SA:  Love this!!   Thank you, dear Jack.  I so look forward to my WW from Jack===JACK:  Virtual Bible Study was not the same without you.  But, it was without us, too.  The internet connection for us went down shortly sfter the start.  Look forward to seeing you next week.

FROM EILEEN:  so true-I try to be every work day===JACK:  Did I hear you right?  Winning Words helps you at work?  That makes me feel good.  

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  He sounds like he has something profound to share!  I'll have to borrow some of his books at the library for more wisdom! I think most of us want to be a light in the world, God helping us!  In these troubled times, it seems especially urgent! Thanks for WW today!===JACK:  YOU are light to many the Church, in your family, among your many friends.  You are the epitome of "This little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine!"===OAKS:  Thank you, that means a lot. I hope that is true; I get a LOT of gratitude from my immediate family!!  And often from former parishioners, which is a perk in my old age!===JACK:  As the saying goes, "Age is just a number." I'm older than you and feel productive and happy each day.  It's a state of mind.  When does your golf season start? 

FROM THE SHARK:  Amen to that!===JACK:  This world needs more light, and more positive thoughts.

FROM MD IN BSFL:   I find myself surfing the news looking for bad stuff on Biden, Pelosi,  Cuomo Schumer, etal. This is frightening.  How on earth do I benefit from this. Meanness and ugliness now dominate my perspective. Am I a sample or a bad example?-===JACK:  I look for the good news.  More and more people are being vaccinated.  Covid numbers are going down.  I feel safe, having gotten my first shot anf scheduled for my second.  Life is good.  Less news about the former it usually is after an election.  I belong to the Optimist Club, whose Creed begin: "Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing will disturb your peace of mind."  I'll check to see if there's a club in your area. ===MD:   Thanks for the Optimism as we sit here doing our 2nd covid shot. ===JACK:  I give thanks for the scientists who are able to figure things out to make us safer.  I give thanks for CPAs, too, who help us figure out taxes.

FRO THE FISH IN NOVA SCOTIA:  Madison said...’without virtue in the people, no form of government can secure liberty’. King said, “Nobody exemplifies that more than a disciplined Freedom Rider looking at someone who’s about to hit him in the face, and saying, ‘we may not make a connection, but our children will, because of what we’re doing here today.”  —from “The American Story: Discussions with Historians”, by David M.Rubenstein.===JACK:  That's something I've never read before.  Thanks for sending.

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