Thursday, February 04, 2021


Jack’s Winning Words 2/4/21

“You can wake up every day and make today better than the last.”  (Tommy Lasorda)  Lasorda, one of baseball’s most colorful characters died last month.  He was 12 days younger than me.  He and I had the same philosophy, “If you love your job, you won’t work a day in your life.”  I also agree with him that you can make every day better than the last.  Attitude is very important to athletes, even to pastors.  Today, go out looking for the positive!  ;-)  Jack

FROM LBP:  Will do===JACK:  Thinking about it is one thing; doing something about is another.  This world is in ne2ed of doers.

FDROM GUSTIE:  I get my first Covid shot this morning.  Carol is driving me because the roads are bad.  It is snowing over freezing rain.  I have to go to Coon Rapids to get the shot.  This will be a good day..===JACK:  Our shots are scheduled in Michigan, buit weather has prevented us from getting there, so we've been rescheduled for next week...part of the goal of one million vaccinated in the first 100 days of the administration.  Somehow, some way, we've got to get the virus under control.  Do you remember an ice creal place called, Prince Castle?  They had a milkshake which they called, One In A Million.  Since getting your shot, you are one in a million.  You are that anyway,

FROM RS IN TEXAS:  Yep -  Be positive.....test negative.===JACK:  I've always been one to ac-cent-u-ate the others, more so than to myself.

FROM NORM'S BLOG:  The fact is that there are always things all around us that need doing, in order to make it a better day for someone. And in recognizing those things and doing them, you will make a better day for yourself. Some of the things are very small and subtle – smiling at someone when they needed a smile today or opening a door for someone and letting them go ahead of you. Sometimes they are bigger, like stopping to help someone in distress or rushing into a burning building to recue a trapped

=== occupant.: ===JACK:  The fact of the matter is that there is more to this response from Norm.  You can Google Norm's Milford Blog to see more.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  It's easy to feel your best days are behind you, when you're elderly; certainly  your most active days are!  But there are still things you can do; I enjoyed hosting my family for dinner last night, while my gr.g.son (6) is visiting for the week at my son's house. Gave my DIL a break from cooking, and we had a good time together!===JACK:  I was just thinking....At what age do we start thinking that our best days are behind us?  Do you have an answer? ===OAKS:  I think around 80, you realize you've slowed down,  but in my case, I was very active until the pandemic, and our church closed its ministry in September...I was 90! I was ready to have less to do!!===JACK:  I tend to agree with you, except that it wasn't the pandemic that slowed me down; it was the number, 90.  I've been able to get "a second wind" by continuing my Winning Words ministry.  I do it as much for myself as I do it for others (like you).

FROM JU IN NC:  Because after our last day it can only get better if we have peace with God. I have a short version of a journey.  For over 70 years something has always been true.  I have always made it home.  Whether it has been a year in foreign lands or a five minute walk to the corner grocery, I make it home.   remember a time in Western Kansas, coming home from work and having to drive 5 miles through a blizzard late at night. Pulling into our 1/2 mile driveway l became fastly stuck.  I could not see anything but blinding blowing snow. Maybe I should have stayed in the car.  But it was Friday night and I really wanted to be with my family.  A glimpse of clarity allowed me to see our yard light.  I thought if I could find a fence line I would be able to thread my way home.  Now and then I saw the light giving me additional encouragement.  When I came to the cedar trees in the yard, I knew I made it home.  I walked through the door and into the loving arms of my family.  In life there have been countless storms I have experienced.  Every one I have somehow surrived.  Keeping my eyes on the light of Christ has been the overriding reason.  Some day I will experience my final storm.  The journey will be keeping my eye on Jesus.  I will make it home and into the welcoming arms of my Heavenly Family.===JACK:  Talk about making a good day better....Your story has donr just that.  Thanks.  Again, on the subject of making the good, better...The Clinic told us that there was an unexpected shipment of vaccine, and we could get our vaccinations tomorrow.  How about that?

FROM SALON SUZY:  It was such a good day today! Bible study, work, workout and dinner with a friend. Now time with the hubs🍷===JACK:  It does sound like a good day.  I didn't know that you were in a Bible study group.  I'd like to talk with you about that.

FROM PEEWEE:  I love this!===JACK:  I suppose that baby sitting has turned into child care.  Either way, It must be fun.  Are you doing any writing these


FROM LBP:  Phew! Today was quite a day. Glad you put us off on the positive this morning. I’m ending the day w a smile instead of a tension headache. Hoorah! ===JACK:  The Optimist Creed begins..."Promise yourself that nothing can disturb your peace of mind!"  You can Google the rest. 

FROM DOO BEE DOO:  "Words can never adequately convey the incredible impact of our attitudes toward life. The longer I live the more convinced I become that life is 10 percent what happens to us and 90 percent how we respond to it."I live by the words of Charles Swindled===JACK:  Words are very important, but sometimes they can be misunderstood.  Actions really make a difference.  I didn't know that Swindoll was still preaching and writing.  I'll have to Google him,.. 


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