Monday, January 04, 2021


Jack’s Winning Words 1/4/21

“Forget trying to fix your negatives.  Instead, build on your strengths.” (Psychology Today)  New Year’s resolutions often fail, because they emphasize the negatives, so says Dr Anastasia Kim.  Her suggestion is to seek out our strengths and determine to make them stronger.  Set short-term goals…”I’m eating healthy today.”  Be a self-cheerleader instead of a self-critic.   “I’m moving in the right direction.”   And while you’re at it, forget trying to fix the negatives of others this year, and instead acknowledge and appreciate their strengths.  ;-)  Jack   

FROM SK IN SJ:  ! I agree with accenting our positives and downplay our negatives. Let the New Year bring us successes and energy to do it. I’m again getting back at my quilting. I am well after having Covid . Started 12/10 . I had a mild case. I had flu symptoms and sore throat for a week. No cough or extreme fatigue.===JACK:  Now, when I'm asaked if I know anyone personally who has had Covid, I can say, Yes.  The more I learn about quilting, the more I'm impressed by those who have the quilting talent...especially those who make award winners. 

FROM TRIHARDER:  it's been such a bad year, my negatives are my positives. ===JACK:  Here's a positive....Think what it would be like if the election had gone the other way.  There are always positives if you take time to look for them. ===TH:   Oh, believe me, I know what positive is:  I woke up on Wednesday morning (November 4) believing that Trump had won the election, that Peters had lost in Michigan. I was truly despondent. As the morning grew later, I became more hopeful that both had won; Biden's path to victory in the electoral college was becoming clear. I was able to (unprofessionally) predict that Biden carried Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Arizona.  Still, I remained concerned that Republican legislatures would overturn electoral college votes. That, thankfully, didn't happen. Now, if we can get past January 6.===JACK:  Jan 20 looks to be an exciting day...positively and negatively.  Do you think G-d cares about American elections?===I would hope that he/she did. But history seems to suggest "no."  Trump may claim that G-d interfered.===JACK:  Biblical stories tell of plagues being sent "to shake people up."  Could the virus have been suchj a wake-up call?  ...and why the vaccine introduction delayed a few weeks, when an earlier coming could have affected the election.  "Twilight Zone" was one of my all-time favorite shows on TV.  Did you know that Rod Serling was the uncle of the Detroit Serling lawyer? ===TH:  Many Jews, survivors of the Holocaust, were done with Gd after their liberation -- parents, siblings, even children -- whole families --perished. And, yet, many remained extremely religious in their beliefs.===JACK:   In the New Testament there's this verse..."For who can know the LORD’s thoughts? Who knows enough to give him advice?"  It's sort of like Tevye in Fiddler on the Roof.


FROM NICOLE:  This is great!   Love this! ===JACK:  Anything that causes one to think is great. ===N:  We have the power to create what we want, we’re just a mindset away... ===JACK:  What's today's mindset for you?  I wanted to increase my daily walking distance...and it happened, even though it didn't seem doable at the start. the Little Engine that Could.  You've probably used that story once or twice in your teaching.

FROM A FRIEND:  For me, the last part of your WW was a real kicker. I hear so many people complain about others. What's that they say about throwing stones when one's own windows are made of glass?   That apart, it is easier to be a self-critic. I wonder why that is? This past year I have worked very hard to be my own cheerleader to keep me moving in the right direction. I have had lots of help in keeping me positive and building on my strengths. I think 2021 is going to be a interesting year of changes for me. It's very scary, but, with the support of my family and friends, I know that I am up for the challenges.   Today, January 4th, already marks the second heat of my 2021 journey. Hold on!===JACK:  "One day at a time, Sweet Jesus."===AF:  Yep, that was ringing in my ears as I clicked send. Lol===JACK:  I'll never hear that song without thinking of you.===AF:  I love that! 💕

FROM SHALOM JAN:  I love the reminder to seek and acknowledge the strengths of other people!===JACK:  We are too often self-focused.  I received another announcement of a friend's death this morning.  Bitter-sweet.  Too many similar announcements...and not all age or Covid related.  I have to remind myself that I was called to preach "the good news."

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  Good thoughts for the new year! I need to improve my; stamina, by challenging myself to do a little more each day!  I think I'm doing well "for the shape I'm in"! ( Do you remember that old poem?) One has to accept a few limitations of health and age, I guess!! Good for you, doing your walking! ==JACK:  I'm proud to be walking 1/4 mile each day...a far cry from yesteryear.  A friend and I decided to see how fast we could play Indian Bluff Golf, we'd hit, then run as fast as we could to take the next shot, putt to hole out and do the same at the next hole.  We didn't care about the score, just the amount olf time spent.  I can't remember how quickly we did it...just that it was fun.  We once played in pouring rain, laughing at wet we got.  Those were the days (as Archie and Edith would sing).

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