Thursday, December 31, 2020

  “Happy is the person who knows what to remember of the past, what to enjoy in the present, and what to plan for in the future.”  (Arnold Glasgow)  This is the last day of the infamous 2020.  Has there been a year like it?  The virus, the election and the death of some close friends.  I’m looking forward to better things in 2021.  What they will be, God only knows, and I trust in His omnipresence and omnipotence.  What did you enjoy about 2020?  ;-)  Jack

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  i am looking forward to a brand new decade! ===JACK:  I'm looking forward to tomorrow.

FROM SF IN BSFL:  Happy New Year to you and your entire family. Wishing you safety and good health and happy moments through the coming year. Thank you for your daily encouragement. It means a lot!===JACK:  Your thoughtful responses are appreciated, too. 

FROM TRIHARDER: Happy, Healthy New Year, Jack. I hope the coming years to a reunification of family and friends.===JACK:  If it's a healthy year and friendships continue, it will be a happy new year.

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  i enjoyed your WWs.   thanks, Jack.   and a happy new year wish for you and yours. ===JACK:  Your insightful and humorous comments have been enjoyable, too.

FROM SHARIN' SHARON:  .  It's been great to reflect upon how God is blessing us through this year and be thankful and grateful rather than just complaining and being disappointed and angry at Him.  Of course though grieving deaths caused by the corona virus has been hard and our hearts ache realizing so many people are keeping mind, body and soul together in this dismal economy of tremendous adversities.  Take care, Pastor Freed,===JACK:  Your extra-ordinary responses to my Winning Words have always interested me and have been an inspiration. 

FROM ME IN NEWPORT BEACH:  A nice thing about California is that we can and do garden all year.  Perfect Pandemic and physical activity.  Not surprisingly, you have a great perspective and attitude on life.  How did WW come to you? ===JACK:  When I retired in 1992 my youngest daughter gave me a cd of short positive quotes, knowing that I had an interest in that sort of thing.  You may or may not have known that in ministry I always included a “Sentence Sermon” in each Sunday bulletin, following the example of my home pastor.  I would cut out sayings and keep them in an empty cigar box.  As I listened to the cd, I heard things that I wanted to share with friends.  Those friends shared with other friends…so today thyere are more than 500 on the e-mail list.  One “friend” has a school bus company with 200 drivers.  He shares winning words with them on their daily morning postings….and so it goes.  I call what I am doing: C-WOW….my Church WithOut Walls.  I glad to have you and some of your family as members. 

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  Until March, some plays and dinners out...After that, times with family and very close friends, playing cards and games, and sharing meals!  Did have one nice trip to Lake Tahoe and San Diego for 3 wks. in September. Thankfully no one got sick because of that trip!!!===JACK:  Covid doesn't seem to have you isolated.  Have a happy 2021. 

FROM PASTY PAT:  Happy New Year, Pastor Freed ... and thank you for another year of Winning Words. I’m hoping that 2021 will bring healing to this troubled world.===JACK:  There will be healing, to be sure, but if time teaches anything, it teaches usw to be ready for new wounds.  Such is life.




Crystal Daye / Calasia Day "Ms. Day" said...

Like Jesus I will stand and hold my own. I had a dream whereby I was taken to hell, like Jesus was, to shorten this, I will say Jesus came for me, as he has the key to hell, and he and those six winged angels took me out. I didn't look as too bright, my head to the ground, but Jesus asked GOD if I could be crowned the Queen of the South, and I was crowned her in allegory to play as an actress, or be her for real. GOD holds to clock and can replace me to give us more time like he did Nenevah. If I travel speaking to the world, I will be heard to the ends of the world. Jesus came from nothing much but a good family, and this is so for me. I am like Elizabeth who bore John the Baptist raised Baptist, but like Mary Magdeline to Jesus. Like Jesus, I will be called names, and not believed, but I hope for time to save as many souls as I can in Jesus name, before I die. my website is not done... developing it alone,, trying to make videos and all on my own. Preachers have ignored me and my letters are prayed on and trashed. So Jesus was ignored, and crucified. I was born in Georgia and my dad built 5 churches and helped many from Ohio to Michigan get a start, and I am a Miss Perrysburg, Miss Toledo, Miss Ohio, Miss Tennessee, Miss..USA. Pageants to be a force for world peace, my sport. Now the Queen of the South (Matthew 12:42 /Luke 11:31) from Katy, Texas.
I have the Star of Jesus jewelry to sell to start TELL my company to support the ministry GOD wants me to do, and Thursday I will be able to take credit cards, and I am trying to do my website after being ripped off to get help... I am on my own. 281-250-3370,,, P.O. Box 516 Barker, Tx 77413. I will shine with Jesus, and put the moon of the Islamics under my feet, winning many to serve and protect Israel, to rebuild the Temple, I met Gershon Solomon of Temple Mount Faithful, and I am to show Israel how to give birth to Jesus his return, which is a blood bath NO one wants to see. But someone has to be the example and explain why to cry for 7 days and pray, to have faith that Jesus will arrive, and it is my job to cause this... whether I be dead or alive at the time. GOD knows my life is HIS, and I will leave home to do what I need to do. I was a negotiator closer before fortune 500 Board of Directors to sign a 3 year contract (Job for 15 years) traveling 6 states.

Crystal Daye / Calasia Day "Ms. Day" said...

I am like Joan of Arc to crown Jesus is my plan, to build TELL About Jesus. I never dreamed I'd have to expect to be called a false prophet, in a day of so many professed Christians, I was the prodigal child, but my dad prayed with me every night and read the Bible and discussed subjects. He was proud of me no matter what, but as an introvert I had trouble being in front of people... he'd give me a nerve pill on occasion to get up and sing. He asked me if I'd be like Jesus, and stand alone if I had to, and I promised to do this, and I am crying as I miss him. I get sick twice a year with bronchitis and since I signed a contract with GOD, that I made, to be what HE wants, I have not been sick with anything for a year and half. I am passed menopause, and no white hairs and like Sarah, GOD says I will give birth to what is unexpected for my age of 64, I am crying over our nation, and what is happening as the Cristians here by the media will be censored, and crucified. Our time to unite is short... as unless something unusual happens, Republicans will not see another way back in office to lead, dictatorship of the Beast is on its way. I am more diverse, well understood on various religious differences, called to bring all under to unite under GOD by what we have in common, so my teachings will make some angry but I have to say what I am going to say to unite those who will serve GOD under the Ten Commandments. I am called to bring repentance and revival, and for a while I may flounder, but am creatively different. I make mistakes and I am not perfect and the Democrats will crucify me in many ways for plenty I did wrong. But the mud goes back at them as Jesus forgave me.

I am meant to be an Evangelist for Jesus NOW, told to to raise up an army of preachers both male and female to share the WORD of GOD worldwide as fast as possible. NOT one preacher has bought one star from me, and I have given over 2000 away to get people saved. Not by the Star but By Jesus, it's only a conversation starter. I have 5000 pieces to sell now for a start. This will enable me to travel as I gain team to sell these. My parents have passed on to the Lord. In Jesus Holy Name I ask him to bless you. My spiritual new name is Calasia Day from Crystal Daye.