Friday, January 29, 2021



Jack’s Winning Words 1/29/21

“Actually, I do have doubts, all of the time.  Every thinking person does.”  (Edgar Allan Poe – The Raven)  Doubt is often seen as the opposite of faith, particularly in the area of religion.  Moses doubted; so did Job and “Doubting” Thomas.  Theologian Paul Tillich claimed that doubt is one element of faith.  A  little boy described faith as “believing something that ain’t so.”  I believe that nagging doubts only enhance our belief.  As a man once said to Jesus, “I believe.  Help  my unbelief.”  ;-)  Jack

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  As doubts are resolved, faith increases; but there are always some unresolved doubts, which calls for faith! We'll never know fully ntil we cross over; then we are promised to "know as we are known". I can live with that!===JACK:  Oftentimes we don't know the whole story.

FROM JU:  Decreasing  the level of doubt depends on the level of increasing truth.===JACK:  "What is truth?" is the subject of many philosophical discussions.  We've just lived through four years of people calling each other, LIARS.  We need to get back on the track of tewlling each other the truth.

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