Friday, January 15, 2021


Jack’s Winning Words 1/15/21

“You can look anywhere and find inspiration.”  (Frank Gehry)  Vanity Fair named Gehry the most important architect of our time.  His quote today became a challenge for me to look around…  What can give me inspiration?.  My hand?  Max Lucado’s book, Wonderful?  How about the waste basket?  I decided on the keyboard’s delete key.  What if there were a delete key for life mistakes?  When it comes to our “sins” God has a delete key on His laptop, too.  ;-)  Jack

FROM KS IN MI:  Hi Jack – just wanted to say Hi.  Thanks for your “Winning Words”.  Hope this coming year finds some rewarding times for you.  Thanks be to God for his delete key(and everything else). 😊===JACK:  On second thought, my hand is more important than any key on the keyboard.  Go really knew what He was doing when He came up with the idea of a hand.

FROM NRUTHC:  This is just to show you I’m reading your Winning Words, and I know where the “delete” button is.  However, I always save your messages so I can read them again.  Have a good day.===JACK:  I hope you get a chance to click on the "blog" each day.  You'll find some interesting e-mail conversations there.

FROM LBP:  Attributed to Thomas Edison. “Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety nine percent perspiration.”  I think I’m overwhelmed with inspiration. Needing some motivation to get to the perspiration.===JACK:  Son David once said, "Dad needs a boss."  There's nothing like a boss to cause some persperation, if not inspiration.  Do you have a boss?===LBP:   My official boss, per hr, is pretty hands off. But, I have lots of folks giving directions. possibly part of the problem ... too many “bosses”===JACK: Problems can develop when you know more (or better) than the boss does.  Such is life.===LBP:  Yeah, problems like eating your foot. Dialogue is usually better, so the boss can add your knowledge to the pool. 

FROM PCF IN KHM:  I hope He’s got an extra keyboard in case he wears out the delete key on me…Jack, I hope your New Year is starting well! ===JACK:  "Delete" has a negative connotation.  I'm looking forward to the calendar reading...Jan 21.====PCF:  I’m looking forward to any day on the calendar that people can just realize that we will all have differences, unity does not mean we all have to fall in line behind one side or the other but that we respect others who may not think or believe exactly what we do.  That decisions are made with tolerance for the other sides point of view because I can guarantee you that neither side, especially on the extremes is 100% correct and if one side is pushed too far by total intolerance then the violence is what eventually happens (I’m not agreeing with it but as we’ve seen from most of 2020 that both sides felt pushed to the brink and resorted to non peaceful means to try and get their point across). Other than that little rant I’m hoping for a calmer, more enjoyable year.===JACK:  January 21?  Tt commemorates the day in 1903 that Harry Houdini, the magician, escaped from the police station in Amsterdam.  I wonder if he could escape from your lockup?  But, seriously, I'm thinking along the same lines as you are.  I've already written my Winning WEords for that day...and expect mixed reaction.

FROM BB IN CHGO:  I recall reading the Power of Un with my children.  The Un is the undelete/go back key.  As I recall, a child is injured (or killed) early on and it’s thought that if they are able to “go back” they can right the mistake that was made in real time.  How often during the “back 9” of our lives do we wonder why we didn’t make a different choice or take a different action during a critical time. Your quotes are always great; both yesterday’s and today’s got me thinking.  Enjoy the weekend….===JACK: look up the Power of Un....I liked it, especially a reviewer's comment, "Everybody needs a do-over at somethine in his/her life.  I like the teacher's advice to a pupil who had turned in poor woek..."Do, better, next time, my child."


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