Thursday, December 30, 2021

 Jack’s Winning Words 12/30/21

“You’ll never do a whole lot unless you’re brave enough to try.”  (Dolly Parton)  Recently,  in Winning Words, it was suggested that Dolly Parton might be the “national” figure to unite the fractured United States of America. Are you one who thinks it’s an impossible task even for her?  When faced with difficult problems, a lot of us give up too soon.  And, most of these problems  are smaller than trying to unite America..  Dolly says that whatever the problem, you’ve got to be brave enough to TRY for a solution.  Dolly for President!  Anyone?  ;-)  Jack

FROM SALON SUZY:  Me for sure. Goi g skiing to Utah next week with my family ====JACK:  I wish that I had beld bold enough to try skiing in my younger days, but I was doing other "fun" things at the time.  There's a poem..."Only one life, 'twill soon be pasr."  We each pick and choose.  I don't regret how he younger years were spent.

FROM KLM:  Yes, Dolly for president.  I agree.  ===JACK:  Which Dolly?  The one with the wig? or the Dolly thar the camera doesn't see.  Each of us has REAL self. 

FROM DR J IN OHIO:  Yes! DOLLY!===JACK:  What is there about Dolly that you really like?

FROM WILLMAR REV:  We’ll never know unless she gives up and doesn't run! 0;-) ===JACK:  What is there about her that you like?  Is she AG?

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

 Jack’s Winning Words 12/29/21

“What, me worry?  Instead of fretting, use your imagination for making love, or for finding the right allies to help you.”  (Helen Rosenau)   I’ve read that 2021’s “Word for the Year” is ALLYSHIP.  I had to look it up, although should guessed that it was related to …ally (someone you can depend on)   Have you noticed how religious groups are working together these days, regardless of denomination?  We’re allies in the God business!   Most of us carry, in our mind, a list of people we can depend on.  During the uncertainty of the coming year, “allyship” will be a treasure.  ;-0  Jack

FROM SK IN SJ:  I’ll be on your allyship!===JACK:  On The Good Ship Allypop, It's a night trip, into bed you hop And dream away

FROM SALON SUZY:  Working on it!===JACK:  For us who are in the People Business, it's important that we make friends if we are to influence business and build up our cliental.  We need allies.

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  glad we're allies, despite our occasional differences of opinion... happy new year! 🍾===JACK:  Friends "understand each other.

FROM PROUD MARY:  She’s got my vote! And I would love to volunteer 9-5 for that interesting campaign.===JACK:  A 'no nonsense" kind of person.

Tuesday, December 28, 2021


Jack’s Winning Words 12/28/21
“God didn’t remove the Red Sea; He parted it.  God doesn’t remove our problems; He makes a way through them.”  (Sent by Kathy M)  As a Sunday School child I was amazed by a picture of a path through the Red Sea and God’s people walking along with a wall of water on both sides of them.  As an adult, I’m more amazed by how God can come into life problems and provide a way out.  Maybe you’ve experienced it…how the problem is overwhelming until God comes along, and a way out opens up.  I don’t know how it can happen, but it does. ;-)  Jack

FROM RVB IN WB:   This was right on time… seems like my quarantine might be limited just when I was getting a sore neck sleeping on the couch. What God can change in the midst of trouble is simply amazing - just like His grace! ♥️♥️ ===JACK:  That old Red Sea keeps popping up in different forms in our life, doesn't it?  "The winds and waves shall obey His will, peace, be still!" as the old hymn goes.

FROM HY YO SILVER:  Excellent concept.===JACK:  There's no obstacle so great that G-d can't provide a way through, a way around, a way over.  G-d is GREAT! 

FROM JU IN NC:  Really enjoyed your words about the Red Sea.  Sometime when I have a few minutes I have a real life story to tell you ===JACK:  I'm always interested in "real life" stories.  Sometimes I wonder (it's OK to wonder) if the Red Sea stories is an actual story or one that is like a parable.  Parables are OK.  Jesus use3d them regularly.  I'd like to hear your real-life story.

FROM SALON SUZY:  Amen! Always a way out 🙏===JACK:  There's always a way for those who "cast their cares on the Lord."

FROM GUSTIE:  I had that same picture!  Ha.===JACK:  That's because every Sunday there was a different story on a pamphlet printed by the Augustana Book Concern.  Another that I remember is Daniel in the lion's den.===G:   Oh me too.  I saved all those pamphlets for years.  I loved them.  I never wanted to miss because I wanted my pamphlet!!   Ha!===JACK:  The olden days weren't so bad, were they?  Each generation has its way of telling the old, old, story.

Monday, December 27, 2021

 Jack’s Winning Words 12/27/21

“How do you tell a rut from a tradition?”  (Fr Don Talafous)  Religion…and especially Christmas… has many customs that we follow regularly, such as Christmas Eve candlelight worship, caroling, the manger scene, and gifts.  We do the same thing, year after year.  It’s tradition, but tradition can become a rut if we let it.  What are some new ways that you use for keeping  Christmas fresh in your mind?  Or maybe, it’s tradition that makes the season special.  ;-)  Jack

FROM HONEST JOHN:  bOTH====JACK:  I have a problem when "the message" becomes lost in the trappings of tradition. 

Tradition, tradition! Tradition!

Tradition, tradition! Tradition!

Who, day and night, must scramble for a living,
Feed a wife and children, say his daily prayers?
And who has the right, as master of the house,
To have the final word at home?

The Papa, the Papa! Tradition.
The Papa, the Papa! Tradition.

Who must know the way to make a proper home,
A quiet home, a kosher home?
Who must raise the family and run the home,
So Papa's free to read the holy book?

The Mama, the Mama! Tradition!
The Mama, the Mama! Tradition!

At three, I started Hebrew school. At ten, I learned a trade.
I hear they've picked a bride for me. I hope she's pretty.

The sons, the sons! Tradition!
The sons, the sons! Tradition!

And who does Mama teach to mend and tend and fix,
Preparing me to marry whoever Papa picks?

The daughters, the daughters! Tradition!
The daughters, the daughters! Tradition!

Source: Musixmatch

Songwriters: Jerry Bock / Sheldon Harnick

Fiddler on the Roof: Tradition lyrics © Jerry Bock Enterprises, Times Square Music Publications Company, Trio Music Co., Inc.===JACK:  Who has seen Fiddler on the Roof and can't remember...TRADTION?  Not I.  A great song woth a great message.

FROM PASTY PAT:  Covid travel restrictions and the death or serious illness (non-Covid) of several friends and relatives have surely impacted our family traditions over the last 2 years. And then there is the ever evolving change in my perspective —- now viewed from nearly 80 as opposed to say 60 or 40. But the “reason for the season” doesn’t change so we make the adjustments and continue on. Blessings of the season and the new year to you and those you hold dear, Pastor Freed.===JACK:  The hymn, Abide With Me, reminds us: "Change and decay in all around I see.  O Thou, who changest not, abide with me."  I remember the Finnish traditions that were highlighted, particularly when Rev Erlandson was your pastor.

FROM SHARIN' SHARON: Thinking about the WW, I believe most of my family and even the community of Southfield help me not to be in a rut because I have to spend so much of myself, my time and my possessions, my solitude, my prayer time and my time in community constantly being in conversions and seeking to be the most humble and authentic believer in the Incarnation of God among us I can, actually to be of any realistic use to God at all.  It seems to be a full-time job to me and never humdrum because of the needs of all of these people.  Can’t be arrogant and make people think I think I know all the answers but just hope and pray that they see me as a person of hope, love and compassion and trust and having a deep peace and self acceptance in me and a belief in the importance of the Church in my spiritual formation.  I’ve participated in a lot of virtual worships down here but not in church.===JACK:  It is what it is...and we have to adapt.  If contact with people has to be virtual, God will provide a way.  You are a "face to face" person, but when that's not safe, God will provide a way. 

FROM SR IN SJ:  Somehow, Fr. Don's Reflection suggests another type of response to your question about a "rut" and "a tradition". . .but I can't explain why!😄😆🤨 Do you see any connection?===JACK:  What I wrote is what I saw.  For example, two people can hear the same homily and come away with two different messages.  Does it matter?  Maybe, Yes, and maybe, No.===SR: HAPPY FEAST of St. John, my friend!  If you and Joan could be here for dinner this evening, we would have the blessing of wine and  then drink to "the love of St. John"  Now is that a happy rut or a tradition which, at least, I cannot in??===JACK:  I wonder if the other St John ever had the nickname of Jack?===SR:  Maybe Jesus called him "Jack, my good friend"===JACK:  The first baby I ever baptized was called, "Rocky."  In my mind, his name was, Peter.  


FROM DAZ IN CO:  I love the way Christmas traditions help celebrate Christmas. Like the things you mentioned. Remember the St Lucia breakfasts?===JACK:  The Swedes in the church that put on the Sancta Lucia breakfast began to die off, and church wanted to be relevant to a multi-cultural society, so they said "good-bye+ to tradition.  But you and I have the memories.

Friday, December 24, 2021

 Jack’s Winning Words 12/24/21

“All heaven broke loose on the night of Jesus’ birth.”  (Frederick Buechner)  Buechner’s words about Heaven breaking loose are a play on the phrase,  “all hell broke loose,” originally from Milton’s Paradise Lost.  By switching “heaven” for “hell,” Buechner again engages our minds.  Almost immediately we begin to think of what heaven breaking loose might look like and see the shepherds, hear the angel choirs, imagine the wise men following the star, and think of the God of the universe as a baby in a manger.  Was it really a silent night?  ;-)  Jack

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  , i once saw 3 great sermons titles for Christmas Eve:   Congratulations,  Joseph, it's a God!            Lessons from a Girl in Trouble (better for Advent 4)   and finally,   Special Delivery from Heaven.===JACK:  Ny intern pastor was a "stickler" for sermon titles that would pique the interest of the people.  When I had the opportunity to preach, he would have me work and rework the title.  Of course, content is important, too.  You may notice (or, may not notice)_that I try to choose Winning Words quotes to be "attractive" to the readers.  What follows the quote is like the body of a sermon.

FROM DR JUDY L:  Oh I love that turn… Was it really a silent night?===JACK:  We live so much with tradition that we think that it is reality.  We need to pause and ask ourselves, "What is the reality?"===DJ:  Yep. Reading that a lot lately, and hearing it in my meditations as well.===JACK:  I'm wondering...Am I becoming more religious, or less?  I'm feeling more comfortable with my beliefs.

FROM DANDI SANDI:  Good morning!  Wishing you and Joan and your families much love and joy and good health this holiday season! Stay well and safe and keep your wonderful messages coming!===JACK:  G-d among us is what's important.  How His coming occurs is subject to individual interpretation.  Thanks for your good wishes. 

FROM SHALOM JAN:  Christmas blessings, Jack, whether noisy or calm & bright!===JACK:  During my ministry we always sang, :Silent Night, during the candlelighting ceremony, and we did it quietly.  I wonder what would happen if, one year, we did it with cheering?  I would not be bold enough to try it. ===JAN: Nor would I!  Kind of awkward to sing "Silent" while being noisy.  Even when the candles are electric it's still a special time to focus on the birth of our Savior! ===JACK:  How about substituting "Joy to the World" for "Silent Night" during the candlelighting?  NAH!  Let well enough alone.  

FROM ME IN NEWPORT BEACH:  Growing up in Merrill with my small immediate and large extended Peterson family; and then meeting Marilyn and integrating our two very different families through 3 generations have been my life shapers.  The Pandemic experience has caused me to more fully appreciate my very fortuitous life experience.  Your WW and extended life guidance continue to shape my life journey.  With thanks and respect,===JACK:  The Wisconsin days are fond memories.  I've always enjoyed teaching Confirmation Classes, trying to make sense out of what some see as nonsense.  The pandemic has shown us that there are several new ways to keep in touch with those who are meaningful in our lives.  I've enjoyed both written and voice communication with you.===ME:  An important part of my life.


Thursday, December 23, 2021


Jack’s Winning Words 12/23/21

“City sidewalks, busy sidewalks, dressed in holiday style; in the air there’s a feeling of Christmas.”  (Song: Silver Bells)  Jay Livingston and Ray Evans, who composed this song were   inspired by Salvation Army bell-ringers, standing by their red kettles.  I have an actual bell used by a ringer and given to me as a gift.  “I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day” is a hymn with a great message.  Sacred, or secular, what songs give the feeling of Christmas to you?  ;-)  Jack

FACEBOOK LIZ:  i learn something new every day!===JACK:  Someone said that it's a wasted day when you don't learn something.  My learning for today will come when I look up who said that quote.  (pause)  It's attributed to Leonard Lauder, Steve Jobs, Henry Ford, Walt Disney, Bill Gates Mark Zukerberg, Jim Rohn, Peter Drucker and Warren Buffett.  Take your pick.  

FROM WILLMAR REV:  Sooo many to choose from and bring back pleasant memories of Christmases past! 0;-)===JACK:  Thanksgiving Day does it for me.

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:   ,  if memory serves,   I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day was written during the height of the Civil War and one of the verses speaks of that terrible war making the other verses that much more poignant.  take care===JACK:  Despite the political turmoil of today, don't forget that the turmoil was worse when "The Bells of Christmas" was written.  We continually need the grace of God.

FROM JP IN MW:  I heard the bells on Christmas Day is one of my favorites too.===JACK:  While in some ways it's a sad song, it ends on happy note.  Life should be that way.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  Julie Andrews, "The Bells of Christmas are ringing, to tell us the Savior is born; The bells of Christmas are ringing, to welcome that glad Christmas morn; They ring!  (Ting-a-ling-a-ling 3X)_ Oh how they ring! (Ting-a-ling-a ling 3X)  To tell us that Jesus is born!" (Not sure I have every word right, but that is the song. I love to hear her sing that!!===JACK:  Two questions:  Have you ever been a bell ringer for the Salvation Army?  ...and, have you ever been a handbell ringer in church?  

FROM BB IN CHGO:  Cold are the people, winter of life  We tremble in shadows this cold endless night  Frozen in the snow lie roses sleeping  Flowers that will echo the sunrise  Fire of hope is our only warmth  Weary, it's flame will be dying soon.  Voice in the distance, call in the night  On wind you enfold us You speak of the light  Gentle on the ear you whisper softly  Rumours of a dawn so embracing  Breathless love awaits darkened souls  Soon will we know of the morning.  ===JACK:  Christmas is such a beautiful season...the words...the rhyming line...the music...the artwork...the memories...the stories.

FROM SR IN SJ:  Right off the tip of my tongue" "O Holy Night", "Silver Bells" "I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas", "I'll be Home for Christmas", "Silent Night". . . .===JACK:  Of those, I'd pick: O Holy Night.   Silent Night is good, too, but maybe I've heard it too often.  One the downsides of being a pastor, is that you have to be so absorbed in the details of services, you can't simply enjoy the day as it is.  

FROM INDY GENIE:  “It’s Beginning to Look A lot like Christmas” and “In The Bleak Mid Winter…especially the verse, “what can I give him, poor as I am…..”  Both of the those songs instantly  awaken the Christmas spirit in me .:)===JACK:  We're on the same page in the hymnal.


Wednesday, December 22, 2021


Jack’s Winning Words 12/22/21

“God put Santa Claus on earth to remind us that Christmas is ‘sposed to be a happy time.” (Bil Keane)  In the Family Circle cartoon Jeffey is explaining to his dad, the meaning of Christmas.  Sometimes we adults can learn from the children.  …and I tried, at the right time, to explain to my children the meaning of Santa Claus by telling them the story of St Nicholas and the gifts that he gave.   Learning can be a two-way street  ;-)  Jack

FROM FACEBOOK LIOZ:  i like this! the family circus guy, right?===JACK:  Cartoonist Bil Keane actually had a son, Jeffey.  It's one of those strips have aged, but not lost its humor.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  As long as Santa isn't the whole meaning of Christmas, I guess it's OK. bu;t I hope they know the Christmas Bible story is the "reason for the season". We certainly had "Santa" come to our house on Christmas Eve after our little ones were fast asleep. It added to the merriment of the season. But we also had a Birthday cake for Jesus, and shared gifts to the less fortunate, as well!  At Bill's urging, our church rented a home for 5 men  who couldn't live alone but needed a group home with a caretaker. They came to our home either Christmas eve or Day, for dinner with  the family, and received a gift  which they were  delighted to open. I think it made an impression on our boys.===JACK:  But Santa is part of Christmas...Santa Nicholas who gave gifts to the needy as you did in   appreciation for the gift of Jesus, God in human form.  The original idea of gift giving wasn't bad.  It's when there's a transformation of a good idea, that it becomes bad.

FROM LK IN OH:  May you have a wonderful Christmas, Jack! Thank you again for who you are and what you do for all of us!===JACK:  Dear Santa:  I want one more win for the Maize and Blue!

FROM SALON SUZY:  Sadly it so painful for some. Merry Christmas to you and your family!🎄===JACDK:  Because some have so little, and me have more than enough....Christmas is a time for sharing. 

FROM SR IN SJ:  "Family circle" is one of my two favorite "cartoons"! I learn from it daily. . .===JACK:  Some strips are message strips...other are for pure enjoyment.



Tuesday, December 21, 2021

 Jack’s Winning Words 12/21/21

“If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant.  If we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.”  (Anne Bradstreet)  People keep asking why I choose to live “up north” in the winter, instead being a snowbird.  To me, winter is kind of a punctuation mark for the seasons.  Ahhh, this is different!   It helps also to have a fireplace and warm clothing, and enough money to pay the bills.  Growing up in the Great Depression shaped my thinking with regard to material things.  Has there been a “shaper” for you? ;-) Jack

FROM CAROLE-ING:  I think learning to live on not much money builds resourcefulness and appreciation. I used to think I might write a cookbook about how to make a chicken feed you for a week (two of us then). Back then we typically had $5.00 left after bills and essentials at the end of the month. I remember having to put new tires on our Sears credit card and then seeing the interest charges come in.  We scrimped more and learned to save for big purchases to avoid paying interest when we could. Going out for our family might be a picnic in the park or making popcorn and watching M. A.S.H. on the 12” black and white t.v.  Kids grew up in hand me downs and garage sale toys, mostly.  My daughters now are grown with their own families and much more comfortable financially but, they know how to make their own fun, reuse and recycle, realize that the little things are the big things, and they appreciate their blessings.  I feel really good about that. And, now I have enough money to buy new tires  😊 ===JACK:  Popcorn on a string and other homemade decorations for the  Christmas tree.  Buying this with a credit card and having a hard time paying just the interest.  Who would do such a thing...way back when?

FROM WILLMAR REV:  Experiencing almost 75 years here on Planet Earth with its “hills and valleys” has certainly gotten my attention. 0;-)===JACK:  The clergy seem to be pretty well taken care of these days.  I remember when bags of vegetables, fruit and eggs would be dropped of at our backdoor....and they were really appreciated.  But, God always seemed to provide, often in unusual ways. ===REV:  I still remember one Christmas there in West Bloomfield when a visiting husband there with his spouse that attended regularly slipped a Christmas check blessing to our family for $1000.00. A very pleasant surprise and gift indeed! 0;-)===JACK:  Who says there ain't no Santa Claus? 

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  good one, Jack!  not too many these days can say they grew up in the Great Depression.===JACK:  Every person has some significant event that has been a "shaper."  What has been yours?===SP:  one of them was meeting you...    another was meeting Margaret...   and i can easily  think of 100 more... ===JACK===The rest pale in the brightness of Margaret.  It was a great day when God thought up the idea of matching the two of you.

FROM KLM:  Thanks for your winning words. I look forward to reading them daily and am grateful for your efforts in writing them. I like the winter too and enjoy getting out to walk and ski. Wishing you  Merry Christmas and happy and healthy new year.===JACK:  I find myself being defined by "Jack's Winning Words."  However, I am more than that.  I wish that you could know more about me, and that I could know more about you.  Gud Jul!  

FROM JU IN NC:  The shaper for me was the winter ! When Joan left for college, I inherited her top floor bedroom in our non- insulated house.  I used to open the windows to let some of the cold air out.  I crawled in to bed with a jacket and a heavy winter coat on. After a year in Vietnam, I told myself "I don't have to freeze every year". I headed South.  I remember the folks up North as they talked.  In the spring it would be "Man that was the worst winter I can remember. I hope we can grow enough food to last through the next one.  In the summer, it was I hope we can cut enough hay to feed the cows this winter.  In the fall. It would be we hope we can cut enough firewood to stay warm this winter ️.  In the winter I would hear Boy this must be the worst winter ever"===JACK:  I remember those cold mornings.  It was job, as a kid, to go down the basement and "fix the fire "  (Get it going.  We had lump coal, and I had break up the big chunks.  After it began burning, I went upstairs and stood over the register.  Ahhhh!.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  I love having 4 distinct seasons!  Winters have been much warmer, not so much snow and ice, but snow can be very pretty as it covers the ground and trees with white; Since the pandemic we have not traveled to CA in January, as was my son John's habit, for a break in winter.  I'm old enough that staying home sounds good to me!===JACK:  These days, with automatic heat and AC, what the kids will remember is the frightening wail of tornado sirens.===OAKS:  I haven't experienced that myself, but am sure it is scary;!! When we have warnings on TV, i go to an inner room, but the sirens haven't sounded.===JACK:  ...and don't forget to crawl into the bathtub!===OAKS:  .Unfortunately;, I just have walk-in Shower!! Doubt that's much protection! HA===JACK:  I guess you'll have to do what the disciples did when a terrible storm came up while they were in a boat on the Sea of Galilee.  "Master, save us!  We are perishing."


FROM DAZ IN CO:  Me too. But this year we are still waiting for winter weather. ===JACK:  If you want snow, the mountains are in your backyard.  Remember the Wisconsin winters!  I do, and there was lots and lots of snow.  I even recall when Orchard Lake was closed because of deep snow on a Sunday.  David, me and rolf Weeks were the only ones who showed up.  We had a short sermon, took up the offering and walked back home. ===DAZ:  We’re having a no snow winter. We haven’t had any here and the mountains are very low on snow but they should get some later this week. Skiing is bad.===JACK: We each have a grandchild whose winter enjoyment comes from skiing. 



Monday, December 20, 2021

 Jack’s Winning Words 12/20/21

It is the sermons that we preach to ourselves (around the preacher’s sermons) that are the ones that we hear most powerfully.”  (Frederick Buechner)  “Thanks, I needed that,” is the tagline of a TV commercial showing a face being slapped after being splashed with Mennen’s Shaving Lotion.  Having “been in the business,” I believe that sermons should be for the preacher as well as for “ the preached-to.”  With Christmas drawing nearer I need to hear that there’s more to the day than “jingle bells.”  I need to hear a reason for hope, that Jesus’s birth means something.  What is “the slap in the face” that you need?  ;-)  Jack

FROM WILLMAR REV:  That "slap in the face" has most generally been the "igniting match" for my assigned sermon, article, or prayer to follow. Nice touch for further thought this morning, Jack!! 0;-)===JACK: Sometime it seems as though gives us a slap in the face...or a slap further down.  Maybe not at the time (but later on) we say, "Thanks,  I needed that. 

FROM ST RITA:  Good morning, Pastor!  Having just read your Winning Words, I decided to share my favorite speaking of the Christmas gospel.  The little boy speaks from his heart, sincere and beautiful.  Christmas blessings to you!  Rita Julius===JACK:  I learn so much about being a Christian, Rita.  Thanks for another example.  I miss our talks.

FROM SR IN SJ:  Often poetry, prayers or living witnesses elucidate, for me, the mystery of Scripture for this season.  Let me give you a few to ponder. 

.           This is the irrational season

           when love blooms bright and wild.

            Had Mary been filled with reason

            there'd have been no room for the child.

                                                      Madeleine L'Engle

Christ is NOW in HISTORY. . .

Christ is in the WOMB of the PEOPLE. . .

Christ is NOW bringing about


                                                           Oscar Romero

                     A GIFT OF LOVE

 When I went to buy it, I discovered it wasn't to be found, not in any size. 

 It can't be packaged or wrapped in pretty paper.

  . .but a tinkling bell can bring it to mind. . .as well as a little bird feeding in the snow or the happy sight of children laughing and playing.

It can only be given.  

And so I send to you, my family and my friends

                  THE GIFT OF LOVE .

 ===JACK:  Now, that is beautiful writing!  I can't say which writing I like the best.  My Christmas card isn't like that, but it's the thought that counts.

FROM DAZ IN CO:  That’s a lot to think about.===JACK:  Winning Words has achieved its goal!


Friday, December 17, 2021

 Jack’s Winning Words 12/17/21

“I’m sorry we have to raise children in these dystopian times.”  (A.A.Milne)  Charles Dickens  began A Tale of Two Cities with the words: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.”  Author Milne uses neither best nor worst, but uses the word, dystopian (scary) to describe the 1920s-1930s..  Dsytopian could describe our current world, too…viruses, climate-change, animosity.  It takes faith to become a parent today.  In fact, it takes faith to raise children in any time.  Were you born in the best or the worst of times?  ;-) Jack   

FROM HOMELESS:   pssst... climate change is the same "science" that brought you the virus and myriad genders. and then there's the profit motive to considered. ===JACK:  Words, words, words....used to frighten people or to bolster arguments.  I only took a few science classes...and I learned enough to trust most scientists (but not all).

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  good one, Jack.  very fitting for the times in which we now live===JACK:  I like the word, dystopian, for its sound and for how descriptive it is.===SP:  it also makes a person sound quite intelligent:):):).     btw,  what is the exact meaning of this word?? ===JACK:  Dystopia is a made-up word and means, utopia that has gone wrong.  I say that it simply means: scary.     


FROM WILLMAR REV:  I'll have to wait until later to really know, as said so often--  

"It ain't over till the fat lady sings!!" 0;-)===JACK:  There will be "signs."  Others pretend to know what they are.  As for mr, I'll know them when I see them.  Dystopian will be replaced with utopian.===REV:  I cheated and went to the back of the Book like you must have to know . . .  And he said to me, “These words are trustworthy and true. And the Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets, has sent his angel to show his servants what must soon take place.”  “And behold, I am coming soon. Blessed is the one who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book.” He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!” (Revelation 22:6-7, 20 ESV) 0;-)===JACK:  "Soon" is a word that is subject to onterpretation.  The early Christians were "certain" that soon meant "in their lifetime."  "Soon" means to me that the end  (or 2nd coming) when least expected.  "No one knows the day nor the hour, so always be prepared."===REV:  As my friend, the author here has stated in which I agree wholeheartedly, "There will be 'signs.'  Others pretend to know what they are.  As for him and me, we'll know them when we see them.  Dystopian will be replaced with utopian!" 0;-) ===JACK:  That's what I was trying to say.

ROM DAIRYLAND DONNA:  The 50's were great. Played outside and came home when it got dark. Rode our bikes to the swimming pool in the summer and no one ever had to tell us to play outside. TV was a special thing we did almost always as a family. Life seemed so simple.  Take care Jack! Feeling sad for my Grandkids.  Merry Christmas! Christ is born!===JACK:  ..and Ike was President.  But, try not to be sorry for your grandkids.   They are making their own memories and will be able to put them into perspective.  I grew up during the Great Depression.  There are things that I'd just as soon forget, but they made me who I am today.  But you are right.  The 'freedom" we enjoyed is missing in the lives of today's kids.

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  science evolves, by definition... it's the mad scientists we have to worry about!  whitey's has peppermint ice cream cake roll for holidays... 🎄===JACK:  It is wrong to assume that all scie3ntists are good; and it is wrong to assume that there are no "mad" ministers.  But, as far as science is concerned and far "holy" writings are concerned, it makes a BIG difference as to how they are used.  By themselves, they are benign.

FROM MY LAWYER:  Coming out of the worst and became the best…so far!!! ===FDR was able to forge a semblance of unity through his Fireside Chats.

FROM SHARIN' SHARON:  Interesting WW this morning and especially since we are with our kids and grandkids, give me some reflection.  My thought is I was born in the best of times when folks believed in Church and it’s importance to their families and yet the worst of times because there was so much divisiveness theologically among believers.  Now actually we’ve had all of this ecumenical work, Vatican II and charitable work with cooperation between believers and that makes it seem like this should be the best of times for the Church but instead recognized authority or something seems to have broken down or maybe people are much more demanding of authenticity, anyway it’s also the worst of times for the Church and the world needs the Church so badly.  Our kids and grandkids are in a family structure, grandpa and grandma never experienced—we are the ones here who are the church people and wondering how to act—not being preachy or anything or offputting but sincere and authentic to our relationships to God and each other and not modeling something that is not helpful—the world needs all of us as messed up as everything seems to be now.===JACK:  We judge as we see it; God judges as He sees it.  The two judgments do not necessarily agree, and that'sa OK.  We are not perfect.  God is like old baseball umpire (when he was criticized) saaid: "I cals 'em as I sees 'em."  That's what umpires are for.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  The BEST of  times. Such a happy childhood and teen yrs, and great time to raise kids. Drugs weren't prevalent, war was over for the most part, etc A lot less scary than the present  times. I feel sorry for the kids dealingf with the Covid pandemic so young!!~!===JACK:  I wonder what today's kids will say about their growing-up years when they become adults.  The Great Depression and WW 2 were dystopian times, too, yet I have some fond memories of "back then."


Thursday, December 16, 2021

 Jack’s Winning Words 12/16/21

“Success is personal, so stop comparing your apples to their oranges.”  (Yohance Salimu)  I’m glad that I googled Yohance.  This Air Force Academy cadet is a true SUCCESS example: growing up homeless, a seriously ill mother, poverty, gang, drugs, violence.  What was the future for him?  Not good, except for the people he ran into, the people who saw good in him.  We each have a story of how we have become what we are.  It’s a personal story, but the commonality is that we have a God who watches over us.  Think today of people who have made you who you are.  ;-)  Jack.

FROM BB IN CHGO:  For me, your key words were “people who saw good in him”.We’re supposed to see Christ in everyone.  Every one.  How rarely is that the case, especially when we are in a hurry or people get in the way of our personal goals and ambitions. I’m convinced we miss many chances to see Jesus before getting to the pearly gates!===JACK:  It's hard for me to "see Jesus" in the 15-yr-old boy who shot  and killed classmates in a high school close to where I live.  I can see a needy person, one who ought to have parents wise enough not to buy him a gun as a Christmas present.

 FROM SR IN SJ:  I stopped counting at 25, Jack!  How about you???===JACK:  I started counting...and then realized that even the "bad" examples have helped me to become the person I am today.  But, of course there are the "special" people, and you've been added to the "good" list.


Wednesday, December 15, 2021

 Jack’s Winning Words 12/15/21

“The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.”  (Dolly Parton)  Someone told me recently, “If you want to put someone in charge of bringing America together, give Dolly Parton the job.”  They’re right! Dolly is one smart cookie!.  It matters not that she was raised “dirt-poor”; she learned  not to make excuses.  If she was given a job to do, she did it.  If “raindrops keep falling on your head,” put up with it.  She had that same attitude in the movie, “9 to 5.”  If she were given the job of unifying America, what do you think she’d do first?  ;-)  Jack   

FROM WILLMAR REV:  Write a song, carrying her message and then tour America letting it be known to waiting audiences. Somewhat like we did those many years in smaller fashion from our respective pulpits. 0;-)===JACK:  I wonder that the words might be that would bring us together.  Billy Graham could bring big crowds together, but so did Trump.  The two used different kinds of words. ===REV:  Remember 1971 with the Coke ad?  I’d like to buy the world a home and furnish it with love. Grow apple trees and honey bees and snow white turtle doves.  I’d like to teach the world to sing (sing with me) in perfect harmony. I’d like to buy the world a Coke and keep it company.  That’s the real thing. I’d like to teach the world to sing (what the world wants today) in perfect harmony. I’d like to buy the world a Coke and keep it company.  It’s the real thing. Coke is what the world wants today. Coca-Cola is the real thing. Coke is what the world wants today. Coca-Cola is the real thing.    It was filmed on a hilltop in Italy, we assembled young people from all over the world to bring you this message from Coca-Cola Bottlers all over the world. It’s the real thing – Coke.]  I remember this song catching a "nice cord of harmony" for a time . . . I bet you remember it too! 0;-)===JACK:  Of course I remember it.  It was one of the best TV ads...and it brought many people together to lift a bottle of Coke.  What song will bring us together again?===REV:  “The B I B L E, yes, that’s the Book for me, I stand upon the Word of God, the B I B L E!”  =It did wonders for early America, and it will do wonders in the world and Kingdom to come! 0;-)==JACK:  What about Americans who subscribe to a different book in their religion, other than the B-I-B-L-E?===REV:  I don’t know, you have to do some historical research on those folks…all I know America was founded on the Judeo / Christian Biblical principles, and people have been lining up and crossing our borders to get to America in droves ever since…I believe we have had mosques all along with agnostics and atheists as well,  but we were founded and blessed abundantly those first two hundred years governed by those Biblical principles. It was even added, "in God we trust!" 0;-)===JACK:  How about, "God bless America?"  I wonder what religion Kate Smith ascribed to when she sang that song?===REV:  I’m assuming the one God is the head of?! One of my favorite songs about America: America the Beautiful.  America! America! God shed His  grace on thee, and crowned thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea.  0;-)===JACK:  I have suggested "America, the Beautiful" as our new anthem.  Diehards will find it next to impossible to let go of "The Star-spangled Banner."


FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  sounds as if we are somewhat in agreement... wealthy people can be needy. there is too much emphasis on "the almighty dollar." ===JACK:  Governments define poverty by "dollars"; religious people see poverty in a broader way.===LIZ:  the better way to handle social history is to remember, and take pride in, how far we have come as a nation..===JACK:  We still have a ways to go.  "One step, and then another, and the longest journey is over.".===LIZ:  no pun intended, i'm sure.  it takes all kinds to make a world, as my mom said. we must fight to make sure we all are "free to be you and me," as marlo thomas said.


FROM DR J IN OHIO:  Love Dolly!===JACK:  Of course you do.  You're from Ohio.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  She'd probably say, "We're first and foremost, ALL  Americans! Now cut out the crap and act like it!!!===JACK:  I thought that "cut out the crap" were the words of Jesus from a modern-day translation.===MO:  :-)  There could be some translation these days with that verbage, but I haven't seen it! ===JACK:  Somehow, I just can't hear Jesus saying that.  He might say, "Stop your BSing and get to work."  On second thought, even that sounds iffy.


FROM SALON SUZY:  Very true! I’m praying for 2022 that we can pull out of the COVID and heal the world===JACK:  COVID is just one of the problems.  Maybe we have to learn to live together and support each other with our personal some dysfunctional families do.

FROM BS IN ENGLAND:  Encourage them to begin the day by reading the bible as she does.===JACK:  Reading the Bible is OK...but putting the words into action is better.

FROM RS IN TEXAS:  I would suspect one of the first things Dolly might do is bring together people of different races, religions, political parties, genders, sexual orientations, etc. and put together a choir.  One lady who did that formed the Angel City Chorale -  here's a couple of links sto link to their performances on America's Got Talent  -           
If I remember correctly you like music and I have always felt music has the power to move people.....and to bring them together.  Enjoy.===JACK:  Music does have a way of bringing people together, but from my experience, different generations are attracted to different styles of music.  Are you into rap or Mozart?===RS:  Agreed.  I appreciate Mozart and some of the classics.   Rap not so from the 30's through the kind of my sweet spot.  Also songs from musicals....Le Miserable, Phantom of the Opera, etc....and John Williams' music is something I really like.===JACK:  I have a CD: Mozart for the Mind.  I sometimes play it when I'm trying to come up with ideas.

FROM BB IN CHGO:  Dolly is amazing and very careful to be apolitical, not upsetting folks on any side of the political spectrum.  I heard the interview she gave about writing the 9to5 theme and clicking her fingernails to make the typing sounds.  Here’s a little more on the movie and how it has stood the test of time.  Dolly has too!  Have you seen the modern “saint” candles?  I like that Dolly’s the patron saint of East Tennessee😊 Later known as the National Association of Working Women, 9to5 was founded in 1973 by “women [who] decided enough was enough. They felt feisty, empowered and fed up. They decided to fight for fair pay and equal treatment. They started 9to5 and inspired the hit movie and song.” Regarding the song they inspired, co-founder of 9to5 Karen Nussbaum said, “I think the song is brilliant. It starts with pride: ‘Pour myself a cup of ambition.’ It goes to grievances: ‘Barely getting by.’ It then goes to class conflict: ‘You’re just a step on the bossman’s ladder.’ And then it ends with collective power: ‘In the same boat with a lot of your friends.’ So in the space of this wildly popular song with a great beat, Dolly Parton just puts it all together by herself.”  “9 to 5” became an anthem for working women, uniting women together under one battle cry for fair working conditions.  And 40 years later, women are still leaning into Parton’s lyrics. New York magazine writer Rebecca Traister commented “9 to 5” is “simultaneously a song of angry complaint and immense good cheer. And there is something about that combination that makes it kind of addictive and fun.” ===JACK:  How is it that you identify with Dolly?  A 9 to 5er?  A female?  A no-nonsense person?  Other?

FROM SR IN SJ:  Wow! What a question, Jack!  Let me think about that! ===JACK:  ...or, as teachers used to say in olden days, "Put on your thinking cap!"===SR:  I think she might want to go on a speaking tour to try to teach and convince each of us that WE are, each one, responsible. . . She could start with the young since they seem to have themselves motivated and eager to do something  beyond the "same old thing"===JACK:  I'd like to see "the tour" involve spme singing, too...and down-home philosophy..===SR:  I love your inclusion of song and 'down-home philosophy'.  I think Dolly Parton would surely accept both (and so would you and I who want to be in her tour, right?)===JACK:  I've never been on a tour.  Would Dolly uses a bus, a plane, or a hay wagon?  I've read that some TV preachers use expensive jets.

FROM HOMELESS:  I love Dolly! I have always been impressed by her words, philosophies and positive attitude. Not necessarily a huge fan of her singing, but I am a huge fan of Dolly!===JACK:  You could've played her part in From 9 to 5.


Tuesday, December 14, 2021

 Jack’s Winning Words 12/14/21

“The most incredible thing about miracles is that they happen.”  (G.K.Chesterton)  I recall writing about the jar we have on the kitchen counter, labeled…Miracle or Co-incidence.  When something unusual happens in our life, we write about it on a slip of paper and put it into the jar.  One of these days I intend to read those pieces of paper and be reminded of how God has been active in our lives.  Miracles aren’t “magic.”.  Most of the time they’re just events that happen regularly, that show that God is with us always.  What ordinary miracle have you seen?  ;-)  Jack

FROM DR JUDY:  What a cool idea. I love the idea that you have a ‘miracle or coincidence’ jar. Oh I think it would be so much fun to see what was in there. I hope you will open it sometime for a walk down memory/miracle lane. Have fun! ===JACK:  Maybe I'll open the jar on New Year's Day as a reminder of G-d's presence in the past and our anticipation of His presence in the year ahead.  ===DJ:  Love that idea. You’re going to have so much fun if and when you ever decide to open that jar and start taking peeks.===JACK: see that G-d was "there" when I thouigh that He was busy in Heaven.

FROM WILLMAR REV:  "Most of the time they’re just events that happen regularly, that show that God is with us always." I can't wait to talk to Him about those that really were?!  0;-) ===JACK:  A lot of people will be standing in line to have a talk with God in Heaven.  Why not do it now?  Have you sung the 4-part song: "Let us have a little talk with Jesus; let tell Him all about our troubles. ===REV:  Many times, my good friend…even in the shower over the years!! “He will answer by and by!” One of my favorites!! 0;-)===JACK:  I'm not surprised that you know it and can sing it.  I'll bet that the neighbors can hear you.

FROM AA IN FL:  THAT MY WIFE HAS STUCK WITH ME FOR OVER 56 YEARS===JACK:  Did you say, "has been stuck" with you?  Just kidding.  In these days when long-term relationships are more rare, it's encouraging that you've set an example for a younger generation.

FROM SR IN SJ:  The surprise visit of a friend this very day!  Thanks, dear Jack!!! ===JACK:  For me, it was the chance to have a chat with two friends in our home.  He is facing major surgery after Christmas, and I had a chance to pray with them.  I felt the presence of God.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  My son's healing of internal bleeding when he was 2 yr.old;  We had seen Drs who had done tests, and nothing showed up, to explain this, so he was scheduled to go into Chicago's Children's Hospital for exploratory surgery (We lived in Dixon at the time), but I called some prayer warriors in for a "laying on of hands" and  the bleeding stopped, and never returned. The Dr.didn't have an answer for it,  I claimed a prayer healing, and he agreed it could be... That's just one instance of answered prayer in our lives!===JACK:  It happened after a prayer request.  Who can argue with that.  In situations such as that, I often end the prayer as we pray the Lord's Prayer..."Thy will be done on earth" and help us to rejoice in that.  Sometimes we don't give God enough credit.

FROM RS IN TEXAS:  Gloria's brother Jerry has Down Syndrome.  He wasn't supposed to live past 10.  He is now 63, and from the research I've done, may be in the top ten oldest people in the world with DS.  A miracle?  Depends on your point of view I guess, but pretty special.===JACK:  Who's normal?  You?  Me?  Jerry?  We are each special in the eyes of God.

FROM BB IN CHGO:  This is one of the best Jack.  I’m going to start a jar as well.  Thank you for the great idea.===JACK:  Have you found a jar, yet?  Time's a wastin'.  Miracles/coincidences are all around us.  I could have dropped something in my jar today.  God is great; God is good.  Let us thank Him for...all of the great things going on around us../..starting with your two beautiful children.

FROM SK IN SJ:  I sent a pkg. to my Grandson in Arizona on 11/2/21. He never got it. I was sad, as I thought it was stolen! I prayed to St Anthony everyday (Patron Saint of lost things) would you believe , it was returned to me last Monday! I jumped for joy and thanked my St Anthony. I had a few things that I wanted him to have and some cash! So . A miracle to me that it came back!😊🙏 ===JACK:  I have always been interested in the faith in saints that Catholics have.  What other saints, besides Anthony, are important to you?


Monday, December 13, 2021


Jack’s Winning Words 12/13/21

“When you see someone putting on his Big Boots, you can be pretty sure that an Adventure is going to happen.”  (A.A. Milne)  I’m not much of a traveler, but I love to do things that are called, “adventures.”  The unknown carries with it some excitement.  “Big Boots” means that the adventureit won’t be for sissies.  Have you had an adventurous experience as an adult or as a child?  The first day of school?…Graduation?…First job?…Marriage? “Put on your Big Boots!”  Milne also suggests not to forget to bring your brains.  If you were to be adventurous today, where would you go and what would you try to do?”  ;-)  Jack

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:   i don't see many poor people in the US like this, do you? most have pretty nice footwear.  what do you think is jesus' definition of poor?===JACK:  It's interesting that Jesus didn't define poverty as we do.  For him, it was "whenever you see someone in need, and you have the means to help that person...offer to do so.  Jesus is set before us as a "Godly example" as to how humans should live and interact with each other.  "God's rules" are subjective, rather than objective.  The shoe picture is quite descriptive.


FROM WILLMAR REV:  I've heard some folks are adventurous in traveling overseas and staying at B & B's (Bed & Breakfast) lodging . . . If ever I have occasion to do so, I will now add my own B & B to the adventure,  Big Boots and Brains!! 0;-) ===JACK:  Does anyone wear boots anymore...or rubbers?  ...even in a northern climate such as in Willmar?===REV:  I don't pay much attention to that but do know with a great number of diary and hog farms, boots are very much in order . . . in town, only the women with their fashionable boots are seen parading in and out of our stores. 0;-))===JACK:  The people in Western Kentucky and "responders" will need oversized boots today and in the foreseeable tomorrows.===REV:  That’s one that will be remembered for many years to come…in primitive days they would say, “God’s wanting our attention and let’s give it to Him!” He’s certainly has mine, and I’m sure yours. 0;-)===JACK:  God "nudges" us each day, giving us examples of how we put "love" into action.  


FROM TERI GEE:  Always thankful for your quotes.  Here's something I wrote and have sent to a number of people..  Hope you find it worth reading.

Little Red Truck Theory…” by Teri Giannetti

Unknown.jpegAttempting to read a shortened version of “A Course of Miracles,” I remember struggling through the first chapter.  The book states not to continue reading until one accepts the precept in the first chapter.  The precept states when one is going through a difficult time, if a friend/family member is going through their difficult time, they are equal in importance.  It was difficutl for me to believe that if one was having money issues and a friend was experiencing a life threatening health issues, the two issues would equate.Finally, two or more years later, I accepted the precept.  How did I come to the realization?  I pictured a small child playing with their “little red truck.”  It breaks.  The child screams & cries in desperation.  What does one normally say?  What would you say?  Some answers:  “It will get better.”  “We’ll buy another one.”  “There are better ones to buy, etc.”  Do we ever think to ourselves, even if never spoken, “Wait ‘till you grow up and you experience real problems/tragedies.”   To that child in that moment, the loss of the “little read truck” is devastating; is a tragedy. It is that child’s world.  It doesn’t matter what is going on in others’ lives.  We ALL have our “little red trucks.” Issues that at times feel devasting.  It’s our world that may only matter during such difficult times.  It may not matter what is going on in others’ lives, even if the others mean the world to us personally.  However, what do we do with the torn feelings that may go along with the dissonance?  It is totally acceptable to have such intense feelings about our own problems, no matter what is going on in the world.  We can empahtize and still care about others.  However, no judgment or guilt about how we may feel.  Just accept and feel where we are….I have taught many others, in many settings:  “Feelings Just Are”. There are no bad nor good feelings…they just are and need to be felt. Therefore, be aware of your own “little red truck(s),” park them at times, work through in respect to what they represent.  At times, feel as though your own “little red truck” is all that matters. It is TOTALLY acceptable. Just remember:===JACK:  The "teacher" in you has given us something to think about.

FROM JOE ANN:  There will be so many people in Kentucky putting on their “Big Boots” this morning. Western Kentucky Relief Fund was set up very quickly and it is easy to make a donation. The level of destruction is unbelievable!===JACK:  Unbelievable....but it REALLY happened.  Money is only part of the response.  Shared grief is an other.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  I think I would enjoy a trip to Italy. I've never been but I've read about a lot of heard about it and it's I think it's a place I would enjoy visiting. However at this point with the condition of the world, the pandemic, and my age, I think it will remain an unfulfilled wish! Blessings,===JACK:  A Catholic priest (friend of mine) visited Italy and had a personal audience with the Pope.  He brought a gift back to me...a rosary blessed by the Pope.  Although I treasured it, I eventually gave it to a Catholic friend who was facing a difficult time in life.  Was it the right thing to do?