Friday, April 29, 2022

 Jack’s Winning Words  4/29/22

“Wake up determined to go to bed satisfied.”  (Dwayne The Rock Johnson)   I usually wake up each morning singing a song…”Roll out of bed with a smile… O, what a beautiful morning…”  The day seems to go better with a song (and a hot cup of dark roast coffee..  Tomorrow,  I think I’ll use the song, “Count your many blessings.”  One of life’s blessings is to have something to do that’s worthwhile.  Ruth delivers Meals on Wheels.  Matt plants crops.  Wanda helps people with vision problems.   Accomplishing something productive during the day will leave you satisfied, and going to bed satisfied helps deliver a good night’s sleep.  What will you do today that will leave you satisfied?  ;-) Jack

FROM WILLMAR REV:  Whether I ate or drank or whatever I did, did I exhibit the glory of [our great] God (I Corinthians 10:31)?!?! You are always bringing 'the preacher' out of me, Jack!! Looking forward to hearing from you on Monday!! 0;-) ===JACK:  What causes you to lie awake at night?===REV:  My Gunsmoke App I'm listening to that has caught my interest to stay with it until its over and then fall asleep . . . if not that interesting  for some reason I fall asleep du ring it and pick it up another time . . . the same for a good teaching app from a Biblical educator and pastor out in California (Mike Fabarez of Compass Bible Church in South Orange County, California) who is somewhat like John MacAuthur, but a little more gentler in his approach evangelicalism . . . I'll fall asleep often begore the hour is up and catch the teaching the next night. 0;-)===JACK:  There's a song with the line: "I fall asleep, counting my blessings."

FROM PROUD MARY:  Good morning! Nice to know you also enjoy a “song of the day”.  We’re off to deliver Meals on Wheels today. My brother Johnny’s daily ambition is to have fun and make memories. I admire that philosophy! ===JACK:  What is your song for today?  I woke up sing, "Yes. we have no bananas."  Do you know that one?  It's a "fun" song.  Everybody has their own definition of fun.  What's yours? ===MARY:  I woke up thinking of the theme song from “valley of the dolls” . Yikes! I flipped that switch pretty quickly to “you are my sunshine”. It suits my character better. I still sing yes we have no bananas and think of jimmy Durante and Groucho Marx renditions.  I find the fun in most anything…usually the ridiculous and goofy.===JACK:  Speaking of goofy, I often sing:....Mairzy doats and dozy doats and liddle lamzy divey
A kiddley divey too, wouldn't you?
Yes! Mairzy doats and dozy doats and liddle lamzy divey
A kiddley divey too, wouldn't you?
If the words sound queer and funny to your ear, a little bit jumbled and jivey
Sing "Mares eat oats and does eat oats and little lambs eat ivy"
Oh! Mairzy doats and dozy doats and liddle lamzy divey
A kiddley divey too, wouldn't you-oo?
A kiddley divey too, wouldn't you?
===MARY:  My daddy taught me that song in our early mornings together. I still love hearing burl Ives sing it. I sing it to my grandkids hoping they will carry it into their generation. They think it’s a fun and silly song. Makes me smile. They all know you are my sunshine.===JACK:  You Are My Sunshine is another "good" morning song.

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  everyone needs a purpose, to feel needed... ===JACK:  The responses I get give me a "need" to write WWs.  Who/what gives you a purpose in life?===LIZ:  god asks me to speak for those who can't/won't...  ===JACK:  I'm glad that you and God are on speaking terms.

FROM ER:  This song, ONE DAY AT A TIME, SWEET JESUS,  has held great hope for me during my most difficult days. Thank you for being by my side to keep its refrain ever present. God was right there, every day, taking my other hand, generously allowing me to trust in his plan. I leaned so hard on the two of you. Neither of you let me fall. Thank you both.===JACK:  That song has been a good one for me, too.  I love music and the way how writer attach words to it. 

FROM DR J:  Yes… but here’s the thing…  You deliver WINNING WORDS … no matter what...Don’t underestimate the influence you have.. your years and wealth of experience, your humor, your wisdom, and your kind heart mean something.  You could say just one sentence… and it would be worthwhile.  Thats the influence you’ve had on me over these many years… truly.  I have a digital folder on my computer of various quotes and messages you’ve sent me… I look them up from time to time… when I need a boost.  Keep it Simple… your words matter!===JACK:  I'm preaching (talking) on Sunday.  I know that there are expectations.  The stress is: Will I meet them?

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  does watching your stock portfolio shrink count for something??:):):)===JACK:  What goes up, comes down.  What comes down, goes up.  My portfolio is for the long run.


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