Thursday, April 21, 2022

 *Jack’s Winning Words  4/21/22

“I write because I’m afraid to say some things out loud.”  (Gordon Atkinson)  Are you familiar with the Myers Briggs Personality Test?  It’s supposed to be 90% accurate, and I’ve read that 1.2 M people  take it, for free, each month.  I can’t remember my results from long ago, but when reading over the 16 personality types, I’d have to say that that I’m an “Architect/Logician.”  The Bible says that there’s a time to speak and a time to be silent.  I’m still working on that one.  How about you?  Some things need to be said out loud, and sometimes the lip needs to be zipped.  Ah! To know the difference.  ;-)  Jack 

FROM FACEBOOK LI\Z:  i'm the rare INFJ... now you know "the rest of the story." ===JACK:  Yes, it does.  Are you an A or a J?  I wonder if personalities change with time and experiences?

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  how true!  how true!   thanks===JACK:  You seem to be able to speak in a LOUD voice.  I seem to leave people asking a question: "What does he mean by that?"  And they have to ponder the question.===SP:  sometimes asking the right question is more important than providing the right answer..

FROM SHARIN' SHARON:  Thought-provoking WW.  I definitely believe some things are better left unsaid or else there is a place for timing—something can be said but later when it will have more chance to be received.  Many years ago, a Presbyterian friend was intense about the Myers Briggs Personality Test—I think it was that test—and got me involved with him studying the scriptures and using the statements of Jesus to analyze His Personality.  It was quite an exercise for both of us for a while.  Actually, remember when Jesus wrote with His finger twice on the ground?  I doubt—being God—he was afraid but I bet He knew/knows very intimately Gordon Atkinson.  Thanks for generating these interesting WW for us to reflect upon, Pastor Freed.  They are fun to think about. ===JACK:  If Jesus was truly human, does that mean that the Myers Briggs test would apply to Him?  Which of the 16 personalities might He be?  Or, would He be Personality 17?  

FROM CATHY:  Ugh - admittedly one of my worst qualities - but I’m workin  on it it too! 😊===JACK:  The words of Jesus often (as they apply to us) make us say, UGH!  But the trick is to keep on trying to do better.

FROM EDUCATOR PAUL:  I'm always silent.===JACK:  Ha!!!

FROM DAZ IN COLORADO:  The corollary to that is ---Better to keep your mouth shut and have people think your stupid than to open it and remove all doubt.===JACK:  I've been proud to quote you on several occasions.

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