Thursday, April 28, 2022

 Jack’s Winning Words  4/28/22

“The bad news is, Time flies!  The good news is, You’re the pilot.”  (Michael Altshuler)  It’s not just your imagination.  Time does seem to go faster as we age.  While the seconds go by at the same rate as always, our brain works in a different way than when we were younger.  Physiologically, time drags for the younger generation and speeds up as we age.  Either way, it’s for us to determine how we react.  It’s a matter of attitude.  You and I control the “attitude.” - a nail-biter or a joyous thrill?  The title of a wartime book/movie gives me comfort…God Is My Co-pilot.  ;-)  Jack

FROM HY YO SILVER:  Great line.===JACK:  I always feel more comfortable flying when I see that there's a co-pilot.  I always feel more comfortable watching the "news" when I believe that there's a G-d.===HY:   More winning words === JACK:  That's my write Winning Words.  In fact, I "see" WWs as a shortened version of a sermon.  Maybe the church/synagogue of tomorrow will have sermons like that.

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  another good one for my New Year's sermon file.  thanks! ===JACK:  I have one file drawer filled with unused sermon ideas.  Such is life.===SP:  wow, that is interesting.  when i was in Pontiac,  i co-officiated at a wedding at a Catholic church in Detroit and the priest told me that the next day the communion wafer for the first time could be placed in the hand of the worshipper and not directly on the tongue.   that too was kind of big deal.===JACK:  I can't pinpoint the exact time...but it was a BIG deal when I was invited to receive Holy Communion in a Roman Catholic Church, not as an intruder, but as a fellow-Christian.  

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:   the brain works differently? gotta link for that?===JACK:  I simply Googled, "Why does time seem to move quickly when we become older?"  I saw  that there were physiological reasons for time to move at a constant rate, while aging makes the process it in a different way.  The youthful brain sees the rate of passing time in a different way.  Google gives valid sources.

FROM FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR TOM:  A Wing and a Prayer Jack!  Have great day!!   ===JACK:  Was your father's B-25 ever in combat?  I still urge you to take a flight in the B-25 operated by the Yankee Museum at Willow Run.  You don't want to come to the point where you say, "I woulda, coulda, shoulda."===TOM:  Jack - he was about to ship out to the Pacific when the war ended.  He wanted to fly the P-38 Lightning  but instead the B-25. He met my Mom at a USO dance in Chicago.  They were on a training mission at that time.  I miss them but have faith I will see them again.  Hope you are well.  And yes, I should go for a ride in the 25!!!===JACK:  I tend to think that pilots want to be in the cockpit agile fighters...starting with the P-40, and the P=38 was "cool."  Twin engines and a split tail...and then there was the Mustang.  Taking off from a carrier in a B-25 was more than exciting.  What plane that you've flown has excitied you?

FROM NORM'S BLOG:  The real point of today’s quote seems to be that you are still in control, no matter how fast things seem to be happening. Perhaps it is a blessing that time seems to fly. That usually means that you are busy and not just sitting around being bored with life. Personally, I know that I seem to be busier now, in my semi-retired life than I was when I was working full time in a big company. I have two part-time jobs and some volunteer work that keeps me busy each day. I also make it a point to do something with my wife each day and we have a dog that demands attention in exchange for the unconditional love that she gives us. Time flies by.===JACK:  Thanks for the good follow-up, Norm.  You have grasped the point I was trying to make.  Have you ever been at the controls of a plane?

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