Thursday, April 07, 2022

 *Jack’s Winning Words 4/7/22

“What we expect rarely occurs.  What we don’t expect is what happens.”  (Holly Goldberg Sloan)  I went to get a haircut the other day and was told that my barber (for over 40 years) had died.  I was stunned.  Have you had a similar un expected experience?  The unexpected death?  or “We no longer need you as an employee!” or “Will you marry me?” or “I want a divorce ”  Here are some suggestions for handling the unexpected:  Take a deep breath.  Life is not perfect.  Look for the positive.  In a surprising way, bad often turns out to be good.  How have you handled surprises?  ;-)  Jack     

FROM RS IN TEXAS:  Yes, when I lost my job after 20 years, and shortly afterwards got divorced, I thought my life was in shambles.   However, events ultimately led me to meet Gloria, and thereby receive one of the greatest blessings in my life.===JACK:  There's a hymn: "Be not dismayed, whate'er betide, God will take care of you."  In your case, that hymn seems to have taken legs....and, in my life, too. 

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  there surely are moments that shock us to the core.   sorry to hear about your barber.  a death notice is always a surprise even when we think we are well prepared for such news.   take care old friend. ===JACK:  When I think about it, barber Tom had no religious affiliation.  I might have been his only Spiritual contact.  Each time I sat in the chair, he'd ask, "What's the Winning Word for today?  And, we's talk about the thought for the day.  He always called, me, "pasto," not using my first name.  May he rest in peace!

FROM FFACEBOOK LIZ:  thanks... i needed that!===JACK:  Thanks, I needed that response from you!

FROM SMILIN' TERI:  My favorite!===JACK:  I'm going to have to reread it.  God's Spirit moves in mysterious ways.

FROM WILLMAR REV:  . have always looked for that pony in that pile of proverbial horse manure! 0;-)===JACK:  Too many people are turned away by the stink of the sh-t.  They need someone like you to tell (show) them about the pony.  You are a chaplain who can do the job.

FROM THE WB SAINT:  Today’s WW is perfect for what I’m facing in this evening’s Board Meeting.===JACK:  God opens doors for us to walk through.

FROM CPA MD:   You just never know.  Had to fire my barber because he was talking behind my back.===JACK:  That's a joke, right?

FROM SR R IN SC:  When they are good surprises, i smile in amazing gratitude;  when the surprise is not so good, I sit in my recliner and ponder.===JACK:  We are blessed beyond our, I guess it's good to ponder once in a while.  Why am I blessed so much, while others face suffering deprivation beyond their deserving?


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