Tuesday, April 12, 2022


*Jack’s Winning Words 4/12/22
“His march to greatness was not without stumbling.”  (Sinclair Lewis)  In a college Speech class I was assigned to give a “talk” for George Washington’s birthday.  The class laughed as I pointed out the flaws in Washington’s life.  The prof complimented me on the content, but advised that I should NEVER give a speech like that when people were expecting solemnity.  I never forgot that lesson.  “No one is perfect, no, not one,” says the Bible.  We each have our stumbles, our shortcomings.  There’s a saying that when you point your finger at someone, there are three fingers pointing back at you.  Do you have that trouble, too?  ;-)  Jack

FROM WILLMAR REV:  . . . there seems to be a good number of relationships like a car battery . . . two opposing posts, one positive and one negative, and both can have a most helpful attitude in their minds contributing to the relationship set before them . . . my wife’s and my experiences have worked that way, she always finding lint, dirt and imperfection and I always looking to make lemonade out of the lemons in life . . .  our basic attitudes have remained the same through 52 years of marriage and ministry . . . always making their way into our conversation and times when looking over my body and clothes before leaving the house, and with what is expected in keeping our home up to a particular standard in house cleaning, we respectfully tolerate each other, along with agitated conversation at times . . . these opposite poles are needed to work well to keep the car running. 0;-)===JACK:  I thought that just happened at my house.

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  that sounds really interesting! what are some of his flaws?===JACK:  After the prof's critique, I tossed the speech, but here are some little known facts about him.  He was a school dropout at age 11.  He was a fearless leader, but many of his military moves have been questioned.  He was in love (not openly) with his best friend's wife.  His "wooden teeth" were not wooden, but were actual teeth pulled from poor people, slaves (and even cows).  He owned slaves, because it was the way of the times.  He encouraged people to go to church, but seldom went himself.  As the speech professor said...interesting content, but inappropriate for the occasion. ===LIZ:  i'd have given you an "A."===JACK:  As I recall, I did get an A for the speech.  More importantly, I learned the importance of being sensitive to the feelings of people...I gave the prof an A for that.

FROM JR:  In probably the same speech class, I gave a speech as Adolf Hitler complete with black comb for a mustache.  It was also a hit.  There is also a saying in German, “Don’t point a naked finger at people with clothes on!”.  Variations on a theme.  Always look forward to WW.  We sold our house in Andover last summer.  Currently, in St. Thomas for our youngest granddaughter’s birthday, otherwise in Mesa or in our motor home in the Midwest.  Hope you’re doing well!===JACK:  I would loved to see/hear that "Hitler" speech.  Today I'd do a spoof on Trump.  Oh, that's right, just doing a normal impersonation would be a spoof.   His latest:  “I’ve got to be the cleanest, I think I’m the most honest human being, perhaps, that God has ever created,”

FROM THE SCIENTIST:  I am grateful for those who are willing to give me feedback. And I remind myself that whether I’m the one who has to give or receive the feedback.===JACK:  The secret...How to be honest without being so honest that you destroy confidence and a willingness to improve.  "Ah, there's the rub!"===S:  Focus on being constructive not destructive ===JACK:  As the old song goes...You gotta accent the positive, elimi-i-nate the negative.

FROM SHALOM JAN:  I gave the Keego Harbor/ Sylvan Lake Memorial Day address some years back and I'm sure some people in the audience weren't happy when I included that the idea was begun by freed slaves who dug up Union soldiers in mass graves and reburied them individually, trying to honor their service in gaining their own freedom.  Of course, as in every Southern occasion, they had a picnic supper after their labors -- so that began two traditions for Decoration/Memorial Day!  Blessings on your Holy Week and Easter worship!===JACK:  I'm sure that all people haven't agreed with what you had to say from the pulpit on Sundays.  You spoke, because you were called to preach, not to entertain.  That doesn't mean that you were always right, but you endeavored to be faithful.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  Good thoughts!! XO===JACK:  The prof was Levander.  Augustana College was good to me, more than I could appreciate at the time.

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