Friday, April 01, 2022

 ack’s Winning Words 4/1/22

“April Fool’s Day is cancelled this year as no made-up prank could match the unbelievable stuff going on in the world right now.”  (Unknown)  A senseless war,  distrust among neighbors,  wall-building,  a  lackadaisical attitude toward our planet’s health…these are just some of the jokes being “told/lived” in the world today.  They aren't very funny   Funny, in the old days, was  “fooling” my children on April 1.  It doesn’t happen often, but I've been on the receiving end of an “April Fool” prank once or twice. Today is a good day to remember that even in the midst of serious issues, we still need to have fun. BTW, did you see the latest news picture?  McConnell and Pelosi exchange a kiss and make up?  APRIL FOOL!!.  ;-)  Jack

FROM SR R IN SC:  hahahahahahahahahahaha===JACK:  Let me know if you're able "fool" one of yjr didters today.

FROM JJ IN SJ:  It was very hard to fool my Dad. One year we piled a box of wooden blocks on the edge of our bed and at the earliest hour we could muster, on April Fools day, we kicked it off. He came tearing up the stairs from his bedroom below,  only too late, realizing the house was indeed not falling in. We laughed all day.   And he pouted.===JACJ::  I'm laughing now, jut thinking about it.  Your impishness has not been lost.  

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  i bet ukraine wishes they'd built a wall... who's foolish now?===JACK:  Oh, come on....Let's see you smile!  Did you ever play jokes in your home?===LIZ:  you're kidding, right? plus we played epic ones w/the fellow crazies at the agency...===JACK:  I'm glad to know that when God created you, He didn't forget to include the "funny bone."

FROM WILLMAR REV:  0;-)))))))====JACK:  It looks that all of your chins are laughing.

FROM SHARIN' SHARON:  Your April Fool joke at the end, Pastor Freed, made me chuckle.  Good one.===JACK:  Can't you just picture it?  UGH===SS:  Ya, it’s the kissing part that made me chuckle even out loud.  

FROM PASTY PAT:  Good one.===JACK:  Another one...."MEDIA stops covering Trump and Putin and shifts to something else!  April Fool

FROM THE NOVA SCOTIA FISH:  you probably know that BBC at least in the past (maybe still) has slipped a ringer into April 1 newscasts. The one that created the most fuss some years ago was an announcement that Big Ben was going to go digital===JACK:  I happen to like understated British humor.  I have to check today's BBC for an April Fooler.

FROM BB IN CHGO:  Happy birthday to my son and folks still don’t believe it is a birthday.===JACK:  When hospital staff told you that you had given birth to a baby of April 1, did you expect them to say, "April Fool?"===BB:  It was also our first wedding anniversary.  It was also Cubs Opening day at Wrigley and we had tickets.  Thankfully, H & N went in our stead and came by the house later in the afternoon to meet the baby and talk about the game!   What a lovely memory. ==JACK:  Joan works with people who have lost their memory...and their caregivers.  Good, bad or in-between, memory is a special gift. 

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:   but you are no fool,  Jack! ===JACK:  I'm not so sure about that.  "There's nor fool like an OLD fool."  


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