Wednesday, April 06, 2022

 Jack’s Winning Words 4/6/22

“Don’t think there are no crocodiles just because the water is calm.”  (Malayan Proverb)  I recently saw on Facebook an ad for someone to participate in the castration of crocodiles.  I did not volunteer, but I think that Crocodile Dundee might be the one for the job.  Although it is important to be on the lookout for "crocodiles", whether it be at work or in other relationships, we have to balance that cautiousness with a willingness to trust;  otherwise we live in constant fear.   ;-) Jack

FROM WILLMAR REV:  BTW…Do you know what they call a Crocodile detective— An investi’gater’!! 0;-) ===JACK:  Funny...But, substitute alligator for crocodile. ===REV:  My daughter and I had this discussion when telling her this joke of including the two together:  "Crocodiles (family Crocodylidae) or true crocodiles are large semiaquatic reptiles that live throughout the tropics in Africa, Asia, the Americas and Australia. The term crocodile is sometimes used even more loosely to include all extant members of the order Crocodilia, which includes the alligators and caimans." 0;-)===JACK:  Did God create crocodiles first, or alligators?  (book, chapter, verse)


FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  any idea what that castration job pays??  :):)   ===JACK:  Since Joan grew up on a ranch and raised her family on a farm, castration was part of the "job"...bulls, boars, stallions...One way to do family planning.===PAUL:  i am very glad we don't do that on humans anymore:):)    during the Middle Ages,  did they not castrate certain choir boys so that they would keep their high tenor voices for life??   if you had a bass or baritone voice you could consider yourself lucky!!===JACK:  Even Handel used castrati in his oratorios.  (I wonder if any were used in Messiah?  They were used in the Sistine Chapel Choir, too.  I know that we often complain about today's world, but "some" progress seems to have been made.  

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  Enjoyed these wise WW today!! :-)===JACK: ..and I enjoyed writing them and imagining someone else castrating a crocodile.

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