Thursday, March 31, 2022

 Jack’s Winning Words 3/31/22

 “I am not a fatalist…I am an optimist who worries a lot.”  (Madeleine Albright)  I was unpleasantly surprised to learn of Albright’s death.  Adopted and raised in Eastern Europe as a Catholic, she learned later in life that she was actually Jewish.  In these days of “firsts<” she was the first female Secretary of State and di her job in a “No Nonsense” way.  I was pleasantly surprised that she and I share the same spirit of an optimistic mind.  How about you?  Is the glass half-empty or half-full?  ;-)  Jack

FROM NORM'S BLOG:  One can have dreams that are mere idle musings and it is easy to let go of them. Life changing dreams are seldom so casual and often involve appeals to God for help in achieving them. That brings the second graphic into play. One must have faith to keep pursuing their dreams, even in the face of long delays or temporary setbacks.  Dreams are seldom accompanied by detailed plans and an exact timetable. Initial prayers are seldom requests for the patience and perseverance needed to achieve one’s dreams, yet that is what is most often required. Instead of questioning God as to why he hasn’t helped you achieve your dream yet, it is better that you should thank him for helping you get as far as you are and try to understand the guidance that he is giving you. If nothing else, at least acknowledge that it is not over yet, so your dream is still alive. Keep praying for the patience and perseverance to continue pursuing your dream.===JACK:  There are several instances in the Bible which describe God coming to people in a dream.  However it happens, I believe that "God" comes to us to inspire us, to motivate us, to assure us that there is a role for us in the scheme of things.  Being a realtor, a pastor, or a waste hauler, each is important.  Maybe that's part of what MLK Jr was talking about when he said, "I have a dream."

FROM WILLMAR REV:  Getting stale just sitting there with me looking at it . . . needing to throw it out and fill the glass now with some fresh running and overflowing water! 0;-)===JACK:  Would Jesus be a member of the Optimist Club.  At our club we begin each meeting with an invocation...sometimes a prayer...sometimes an uplifting thought on current events.  Jesus might not be a dues-paying member, but He's always welcome.

FROM JJ IN SJ:  Jack I’m an optimist about a number of things: the strength, wisdom and fortitude of our young people, the trust and faith I have in my family, the goodness to be found in people around the world. I am a pessimist about the health of the environment and our capacity as the humans on earth to wake up to the threat. I’m a pessimist about the ability of our democracy as we know it survive the next congressional election. Do prove me wrong.===JACK:  It's all in the mind...optimism or pessimism.  We control those things we can control...even our attitudes.  In "my work" I try to show a positive, to give people a sign of hope in a world of hopelessness....and there is an in-between, too...reality.  You are a sign of hope for the future.

FROM MY LAWYER:  I with you.===JACK:  It's always good to have an attorney on your side.

FROM BB IN CHGO:  Loved Madeleine.  Read her book and met her at a couple of speaking engagements she did in Chicago for the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations St. John Boutique because she wore, almost exclusively their suits with her very meaningful pins on the shoulder😊===JACK:  Yes, I remember reading about Madeleine's pins.  There's a traveling exhibit of her pins, called: "Read My Pins."  Over 200 pins expressing her feeling toward a particular foreign policy or other cause that she supported.===BB:  I have the book Madame Secretary but not sure if I have Read My Pins though she talked about writing it when I heard her lecture.  Will check out where the exhibit is slated to appear.  Thanks for letting me know.===JACK:  She would have made a great President of our country, except that she was foreign-born.

FROM DAVID LM:  Have enjoyed your daily "gifts" for many years. Was a 60's seminarian at our same school, now in Chi Town".  Also served Lindholm family in a two-point call. You are using the Lord's gifts to you in a special way.  Good gospel stewardship.  P.S,: Mattson bros. were at R.I. when my class matriculated. Blessings to you.===JACK:  I was of a class of 80  who graduated from Augustana Seminary in 1954.  My first sermon, as a college student was preached Lindholm's family's church in Ogden, Iowa.  Sweaty palms!

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  my cup overfloweth!===JACK:  Is there an Optimist Club in Apple Valley...besides SOTV?  You could stand outside the Mall of America and sell flags.


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