Wednesday, June 30, 2021


Jack’s Winning Words 6/30/21

“Life makes pretzels of us all.”  (Sarah Bird)  From what I’ve read, pretzel is of German origin and means “tied into knots” or “all twisted up.”  Life has a way of doing that to us, often at the most unexpected times.  An Italian monk once gave a pretzel to each confirmation student, saying that the pretzel shape was to be a reminder of hands/arms folded in prayer and that when life seems to be all twisted up…take your problems to God in prayer.  Have you noticed that when life turns us into pretzels, the Lord has a miraculous way of helping to untie the knots?  ;-)  Jack.

FROM EAGLE EYE LOU:  I believe the quote is:  Love makes intellectual pretzels of us all.”===JACK:  Thanks for the feedback.  Now, I want to check out the context of the quote and the reason for the modifier.  Sydney J. Harris wrote a book, "Things I Learned While Looking Up Other Things."  (or, something like that)

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  There are certainly times in life when life's situations  turn us into pretzels, tho I had never compared this with pretzels before! An apt metaphor!  I'm so thankful we CAN turn to God in prayer when these things come upon us!  If nothing else, it gives comfort to voice our concerns, and share them with a Higher Power!!===JACK:  First "love" experiences turn "teens" into pretzels.  I don't remember ever taking it to the Lord in prayer.  You probably had more experience with that than I did.

FROM KERNAL MOM:  =Love this!!! Now I’ll always think of this when I’m stuffing my face with pretzels, 😅!===JACK:  To keep a straight face, be sure to eat pretzel rods.  Joan and I will be leaving for Minnesota on July 11.  Back in October.  By then you’ll probably be wearing a false face.  How will I recognize you?

FROM QUILTING CAROL:  Thanks for sharing this!  I LOVE pretzels and never thought of this as an example of prayer and loving arms around us.  Shared it with our youth director who does all our children’s sermons as she’s always looking for ideas. ===JACK:  One of my favorite "Children's Sermon" was on Christ, the King Sunday when I got some of those Burger King paper crowns.  I crossed out Burger King and replaced it with Christ the King.  We talked about Christ King, as leader, as one we are to follow.  At the end I asked them, "Now, what does this crown remind you of?"  They all shouted in unison, Burger King!"===QC:  Too funny!  Kids tell it as it is…

FROM XMASTREE LARRY:  Very true Jack.  Just wanted to say hello and hope you are staying well.  I moved out of the Township last November.   Kind of miss West Bloomfield with all my relationships but do call many of the old friends.  Trying to stay busy but I certainly can tell that I don't have the stamina I had when I was younger.===JACK:  Stamina?  I'm thinking that the time clock is running backward.  Days on the Planning Commission were some of the best. ===LARRY:  Yes, the Planning Commission years were the best.  I believe we were instrumental in shaping the Township back then.  Glad to hear your relationship is working out.  Having companionship in our later years is so important.  Minnesota is a beautiful place and going there in the warmer weather is the best.  It gets too cold in the winter.  My son and his family lived there for over 10 years and visited him a couple times a year.  Please send me the link to the review.  Would love to see it.  Your winning words are always so interesting and many times point on.  I share them with my family and friends at time.  G-d bless and stay well.===JACK:  The place where I hang out in Minnesota is farm their main concern is sun and rain at the proper times in the right amounts.  One farmer said, "I don't have to go to Las Vegas, I gamble evry year when I plant my crops.:  Thousands and thousands of dollars buried in the soil. ===LARRY:  He is so right.  This applies to many things.

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