Monday, June 14, 2021


Jack’s Winning Words 6/14/21

“Simplify, slow down, be kind…and don’t forget to have art in your life – music, paintings, theater, dance and sunsets.”  (Eric Carle)  One of my favorite songs is:  “Enjoy yourself while you’re still in the pink.’  Time has a way of going by quicker than a wink Psychology Today had an article about the value of simplifying…cutting back on the schedule and the accumulation of things.  It’s a balancing act.  Is simplification on your agenda?  It’s later than you think.  ;-)  Jack

FROM WILLMAR REV:  I texted the pastor that hired me some thirty years ago that it might be time to seriously think about retiring when one has to tell the new staff pastor it was his grandfather that hired him at the AG and that we are roughly the same age!   Other than the Senior pastor, I find myself twice as old as the other nine staff pastors!!! 0;-/===JACK:  I'll bet the ministry you do is equal to (or better than) the "young bucks."  With age comes wisdom.  I know of no other pastor who does ministry as you do.

FROM RICKY:  AMEN===JACK:  It's amazing, isn't it? time flies. 

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:   M does water color painting at least once a week with two friends.  she is really quite good at it.  may send you a sample. ===JACK:  I'm amazed at what beauty can be created with a brush, some paints and an imaginative mind.  Last week I rad that Van Gogh especially liked the way that colors reacted to darkness.  Starry Night is my favorite of his works.

FROM BB IN CHGO:  I’d love to read the PT article. Are you a subscriber? ===JACK:  I'm not a subscriber to Psychology Today, but it's a good magazine, and I often Google it for ideas.

FROM AA IN FL:  Agree.  Between Florida and Michigan have 90 pieces of art, paintings, sculptures, antiques, and 100's of CD's and Vinals (65 years of music)   One of my favorites is Roberta Flack Album featuring "The first time I saw his face.===JACK:  That Flack song is one of my favorites, too.  Throughthe magic of the internet, I'm going to listen to it, now.  My favorite piece of art is Van Gogh's Starry Night.  I have it as a jigsaw puzzle.

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