Tuesday, December 01, 2020


Jack’s Winning Words 11/30/20

“He was the best friend anybody could ever have. “  (Holmes Hendrickson)  H.H. said these words at the funeral of Jim Nabors, 3 yrs ago.  Not Gomer Pyle; not his baritone singing voice…“He was my friend!”  While I’m proud of Winning Words and that ministry, I want to remembered for more than WWs.  “He was my friend” sounds good to me.  Have you any thoughts as to what is defining you as you live life?  ;-)  Jack

FROM JJ IN SJ:  If being a best friend includes being a trusted confidant, I'd go for that. ===JACK:  Only you can determine who your friends are.  Trust is an important component.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  What is defining me in my old age is of course different than earlier days,    but  relationships with family (close) and good friends remain! Many of these"old" friends and family,   are gone now; we who are given many years bear the losses!  But I maintain my interest in reading, keeping current on gov't.and local issues and  and socializing when time and situations allow!   I hope I'll be remembered as a loving and caring friend and mom, aunt, cousin. etc! I feel blessed to have a good sense of humor and enthusiasm for what life holds ! ===JACK:  Do you remember the old saying, "To have a friend, be a friend?"  You've got that one down cold.

FROM GUSTIE:  You are my friend Jack.  Winning Words is just an added bonus.===JACK:  We go far back, don't we? ===G:   Many years.  Over Half a century!!!===JACK:  My mirror tells the story.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  I would like to be remembered for living my faith. ===JACK:  I'd like to be remembered as a faithful person.  Is that the same?

FROM BB IN CHGO:  I recall hearing Jim was a spiritual guy; not sure what faith/denomination but not sure it matters at this point.  Kindness is underrated.===JACK: I think that religious belief was part of his life.

FROM RS IN TEXAS:  No worries, Jack.....those of us who know you know that WW is just a part of who you are, and you will be remembered for ALL of who you are, what you did and the lives you touched.===JACK:  Thanks for the affirmatio

FROM ER IN SKO:  Heart strings tugging message. Very powerful.===JACK:  I didn't to play a self-serving emotional song....but, thanks.

FROM SHARIN' SHARON:  "friend" sounds good to me.  Especially it's so Biblical "I don't call you servant, I call you friend" or some sort of words to that effect quoted from Jesus.  That old hymn "What a friend we have in Jesus".  think I'll google "friend" later today and find out more about the word but it certainly might be the best word to describe a treasured relationship between two folks not married to each other or something. Well, better get busy here.  Thanks for the WW to reflect upon again this morning.  Best wishes for a pleasant day.  ===JACK:  I like the hymn, What a Friend, because of the story of its origin.

FROM LS IN MI:  I consider you my friend.  A friend means different things to different people.  For me, as I call you a friend……..Your WW,  I trust,  your thoughts I appreciate, your commitment to your community I admire and having met you after you delivered a meaningful invocation at a dinner I attended I felt inspired to be the best person I can be each day.  I hope you accept my considering you a friend honoring of the person you are.===JACK:  Sometimes we have friends that we don't even know we have.

FROM GOOD DEBT JON:  Nice message, my friend.===JACK:  We have a one-time face to face meeting, and we are friends.  I like that.===GDJ:   I learn quickly.  I change slowly.  

  FROM WILLMAR REV:  Picked up this catchy phrase a couple of years ago now and use it on occasion-- "Pastor to some, friends of many!" 0;-)===JACK  I'll have to meditate on that one fopr a while.

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  she was a friend and a fighter. she spoke for those who couldn’t or wouldn’t... and she helped people.”  i start tutoring poor kids tmrw at broken down church/community center. their school is closed for a virus w/a less than one percent fatality rate... but they can still hang w/the other poors bc no one gives a rat’s ass about that.===JACK:  Who are you talking about?  Is she a female Jesus?


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