Wednesday, December 09, 2020

 Jack’s Winning Words 12/9/20

“Remember that at the end of the day, it’s not what you say or do, but how you make people feel that matters the most.”    (Tony Hsieh – Former CEO of Zappos)  Tony was a multi-millionaire businessman who died tragically in a house fire at age 46.  He was living proof that you could be successful and a good human being, too.  His business mantra was, “I want to deliver happiness.”  It’s a good mantra for any of us as we go through life.  ;-)  Jack

FROM ER IN SKO:  For better or worse, that's my moto, too. Unfortunately, I think it's gotten me into a little trouble. ===JACK:  During times when I am conducting a wedding, I wonder if the people know what they are promising.  Life has a way of making it hard for two people to live together with a real COMMITMENT to do their best, for better or worse.

 FROM HONEST JOHN:  That's very biblical.===JACK:  Does everything have to be biblical: ===HJ:  No...but for the Christian it means that a saying that is to guide our life’s activities ought not be antithetical to the Biblical understanding of life....and this one is.===JACK:  There's a certain satisfaction that comes from knowing that you are a child of God...and that's not limited to Christians.

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:   it’s a good shoe website.===JACK:  .In the olden days when I was growing up, "a good ole shoe," meant a good and reliable friend.===LIZ:like you and me! 

.FROM KLM: Hi, I enjoy reading your winning words. Thanks for all your efforts in writing and sending them. Sure has been a challenging year with Covid. I have 7 siblings and have not seen much of them, or rather not as much as I normally would and would like to.  But I have been able to see my 2 sons often and grandkids and daughter in law and husband, of course so I am grateful for that.  Hope you and loved ones are doing well. ===JACK:  I see the year 2020 as a time for reflection  and resolve.  We can (and must) do better in caring for God's creation and the gifts that are ours. 

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  Anyone who has had A near-death experience comes back with the resolve to spread love, and to love all people. That is what they learned while in their view of "heaven"...My friend in Elgin who experienced this out of body event, came back saying she wanted to stay, but did not want to leave her children motherless..She said she would never fear death, but felt such love, and knew that was the way we were to live. So many NDE fascinating stories! Live Love!===JACK:  I. too, had a member who experienced a "life" after death experience.  Hers was a remembering of the doctor swearing when she (the patient) had died on the opering table.  She was floating above, watching what was happening below.===OAKS:  I read a poll (I think was in the book Life after Life, that said one in ten people have these experiences. I think they are more rare than that..===JACK:  I would agree..

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