Thursday, December 24, 2020

 Jack’s Winning Words 12/24/20

 “And now, this is the sweetest and most glorious day that ever my eyes did see.”    (Donald Cargill)  For many people Christmas Eve is their favorite day of the year.  Bit, I think that my favorite is Thanksgiving and the idea of giving thanks for all the blessings that we have.  What day is a favorite for you?  Birthday?  Religious-related?  Anniversary?  We each have reasons for calling a day, “sweet and glorious.”  I was surprised at Cargill’s reason, but that’s another story.  ;-)  Jack

FROM EDUCATOR PAUL:  So I looked up Donald Cargill because it is someone I knew absolutely nothing about. After reading who he was, I knew more about him before I looked him up!===JACK:   You did what I was hoping some curious people would do...explore the "why".  Cargill was a "believer" who was a martyr (beheaded) because he would not recant his faith.  For him, it was a glorious day, because he would at last know what heaven was like.  Aside from the beheading, put yourself in his place.  To finally know what it beyond this life, to finally "see" God and be able to have Him answer the insoluable questions...grand and glorious!  Curious people expand their knowledge

FROM HONEST JOHN:  .My favorite time is the day I can get out in the Spring and work on starting the garden for the year.===JACK: Spring is my favorite season, too.  Had you ever heard of Donald Cargill, the martyr?

FROM MAGGIE:  Thank you for the light that you send us each weekday. ===JACK:  Winning Words begins with my interest in this positive and a desire to share them with others in a world that so often highlights the negative.

FROM GD JC:  I like Halloween. S likes Thanksgiving like you!===JACK:  As a pastor I always like to teach that Halloween stands for "All Hallows (Saints) Eve", the night before All Saints Day when believers would dress up in spooky outfits to scare away evil spirits that were lurking nearby.  Probably MORE than you wanted to know.

FROM WILLMAR REV:  Thanksgiving Day, just before all the secular hype coming into play competing with the reason for the season of Christmas. 0;-) ===JACK:  I don't think that we can thank God enough for the many blessings He showers upon us...blessings that we so often take for granted.

FOM LBP:  The two days that could take that phrase are for the birth of each of my two kids. Otherwise days blur with days and I have to remind myself to stop and take in the glorious.   Music for the day:

===JACK:  The miracle of birth....We don't appreciate it enough.  Cargill's words highlight an appreciation for another miracle, the end of life as we know it.

FROM BS IN ENGLAND:  I think Easter Sunday. It is a day of rejoicing and every where is bursting with colour.===JACK:  Christmas is just the start of the "Jesus story."  Easter gives an answer to, Why?

FROM AA IN FL:  my favorite day is my Happy Half Birthday.  No mandatory gifts to return and you are not  a year older.===JACK:  I haven't heard of that one, altho Ellen's Bakery in Sylvan Lake sends me a discount card, both on my birthday and my half birthday./...and I use them, too.


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