Friday, December 04, 2020

Jack's Winning Words 12/4/20

“Simple rule in life:  If you wouldn’t like it done to you, don’t do it to others.”  (Sent by Lauren A)  I like this clever version of the Golden Rule.  This “rule” is included as part of most major religions, and even by the atheists.  In searching for “A Global Ethic” the Golden Rule was agreed upon by 143 leaders of the world’s major religions.  In what ways have you seen the Golden  Rule being practiced?  ;-)  Jack 

FROM EDUCATOR PAUL:  I don’t like colonoscopies and I promise not to do one on you.===JACK:  The promise includes the prep, too..I hope.

FROM WILLMAR REV:  "tongue in cheek" . . . Washington, DC!!! They remind each other, depending which party in in power-- "It was okay back when you were in charge?!" 0;-)===JACK:  I actually know one of the 100 seators in DC.  If all politicians were like him we'd be in good hands.  When you get to know people, you get to understand people.  That works in the Church, too. ===REV:  I know of a few like that as well, from both parties...Back in my college days and I was being recognized as one of the up and coming young bowlers while attending Bible college, a sports writer did an article on some of my accomplishments at that time. He titled it “Good Men Don’t Always Finish Last”. He of course was equating the future minister competing in bowling alley’s, as some would look upon negatively in the Bible Belt states.  That’s the way I feel about many of our politicians, both men and women. A great many of them are fine examples of successful pursuit, but few ever seem to be recognized or placed in the spot light. Or if they are, downed played for their faith, good morals or fairnesses. It saddens me. 0:-/ ===JACK:  Immorality (or amorality) turns me off...politician, pastor or anyone who would.  Let them do it by example.  (or bowler,too)

FROM RS IN TEXAS:  Hopefully masochists are the exception.===JACK:  There always seems to be an exception to the rule.  That's why there are disclaimers.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  That is a neat  paraphrase of the rule we try to live by!  I didn't  know the 143 leaders who chose it for the "Global Ethic", How nteresting! My best friend just had the person ahead of her at Walmart pay for her groceries! By the time she realized this the person had trundled out the door with her huge basket  loaded to the top; So I told her to "pay it forward" and she wrote a ck for the price she would have paid, and sent it to "Friend Indeed", our City fund to bring Christmas to the very poor and homeless! Kindness begets kindness! There are still so many good people in our world!===JACK:  Something like that happened like that to my granddaughter.  Instead of saying, "No, no!" she said "Thank you" and promised to do something similar for someone else.  I fins it really hard to accept a gift that I don't deserve.  A wise person explained to me, "Just smile, say Thank you."  Pastors often receive gifts that we3 feel we don't deserve.

FROM ER IN SKO:  I love this version for the simple fact that you aren't "impressing upon others" (like The Golden Rule would have you do) your likes, but refraining from doing onto others personally distasteful acts. I had a college professor (1993) who was an open lesbian. Very progressive lady at that time. I respected her immensely. Plus she was from Africa and had an amazing accent. Anyway, her thoughts on the implications of The Golden Rule have always stuck with me. Her stand was, as a lesbian, she didn't necessarily want to be treated the same way that I, a heterosexual woman, would want to be treated. Dr. Helen R. understood the good intentions behind The Golden Rule; she just felt the way of thinking needed to be tweaked. She taught secondary education classes. Her motivation behind breaking down The Golden Rule was to use herself as an example of how not all children in a classroom want to be treated the same, and that a teacher needed to recognize and respect people's differences. Refraining from doing unto others distasteful acts seems like an excellent way to start! Thanks, Lauren A and Dr. Helen, for reframing my thinking, and thanks, Jack, for sharing. ===JACK:  We owe much to those who have taught us...whenever the opportunity has presented itself.  To have learned from the teacher is important, too.  It seems as though you paid attention (most of the time). 

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  Barry Anderson sits on the MN Supreme Court and is a good of mine.   he thinks you are quite profound at times:):):)   Here's what he had to say about your Winning Words:  This is actually quite profound.  I agree 100%"===JACK:  It sometimes amazes realize how God has used me in retirement..



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