Tuesday, December 22, 2020

 Jack’s Winning Words 12/22/20

“There were certainly things I was scared to do, but I never thought I wasn’t up to the challenge.”  (Rodney Mara)  Actress Mara was no “Evel Knieval” daredevil, but she said that even being an actress can be stressful. Our pastor announced: “Who wants to go zip-lining with me?”  I did not raise my hand…but others did.  “To each, his own.”  We all face challenges that are  ours alone.  I’ve found that having a belief that God is there with me helps a lot.  ;-)  Jack

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  i’m w/you... no way!===JACK:  When I was a kid there  there was an amusement part in Chicago called, Riverview.  The scariest ride was a roller coaster, The Bobs.  There were no safety features like used today.  We'd fly from side to side and lift off our seat.  It was excioting...but I was younger then.

FROM SMILIN' TERI:  Really good one....===JACK:  I miss our face to face conversations

FROM CF IN KH:  Amen Jack, Amen to your winning words today.===JACK:  Did you know that in some churches they have an "Amen Corner" where some of the deacons sit.  Their job is to yell out "Amen" while the preacher is preaching as a way of encouraging him.  The word, "Amen, means, "Let it be this way," or "You said it brother."

FROM LBP:  Might have to post this one in my office. Fear sometimes drives procrastination.===JACK:  Trusting people to do jobs assigned to them (of accepted by them) goes only so far.  I never was good at being a disciplinarian. 

FROM ER IN SKO:  God works in my life in very mysterious ways. Yesterday and today rank right up there. I am always grateful, but I typically don't see the path until after the pieces fall into place. A continual reminder that he is always with me. ❤===JACK:  More and more people these days are saying these days that they may not be "religious",but that they are "spiritual." I see yours as a spiritual experience.  Good.   

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