Wednesday, December 23, 2020


Jack’s Winning Words 12/23/20
 “I stopped believing in Santa Claus when I was six,  Mother took me to see him in the department store, and he asked me for my autograph.”    (Shirley Temple Black)  The Bible says, “When I was a child, I reasoned like a child; when I became an adult I put away childish things.”  I loved believing in Santa, but, as an adult, I appreciate knowing about the “real” St. Nicholas who went around giving gifts of food, clothing and firewood to the poor.   In this time of Christmas, let’s remember St. Nicholas. He wasn’t make-believe.  ;-)  Jack

FROM WILLMAR REV:  Little Nicholas was so excited to go up to Santa and be lifted upon his lap. "What's your name little boy?" "Dummy, it's the same as your Santa!" said little Nicholas. "Well then, George, what is it you want for Christmas!!" says Santa. 0;-)))===JACK:  That's a good one.  Did you ever "play" Santa Claus in your glorious past?===REV:  West Bloomfield's Parks and Recreation had me suit up as Santa a couple of times during those 5 years, and even an Easter bunny on one occasion.===JACK:  Are there any pictures from the archives? 

FROM VK:  Love ur messages.  Start each day with them.===JACK:  It's good to know that you're on my "reader's list.  

FROM MY LAWYER:  Playing Santa ranks as one of the thrills of my lifetime.  I treasured every moment wearing that costume and interacting with kids and their parents and relatives during the Christmas season.===JACK:  You were perfect for the job at the Optimist party for needy children.  You have done a lot of good things in your lifetime...and I'm proud to call you, FRIEND."

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