Wednesday, October 09, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 10/9/19
“If there are no dogs in heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.”  (Will  Rogers)  When it comes to questions about heaven, St Paul said something like this - Heaven is going to be better than any mind can imagine, beyond our wildest dreams!  Streets of gold?  Gates of pearl?  Only people?  Any room for pets?  Who knows?  I think that God did a good job when he created Earth, so I’m for letting him decide what Heaven will be like.  ;-)  Jack

FROM WALMART REV:  I'm told there will be three great surprises when we get there-- 1) Some will be there that we thought never would; 2) Others will be missing that we thought for sure would be there; but, 3) the biggest surprise, when we behold the holiness of God and His Heaven, is we are actually there?! 0;-) ===JACK:  That's a Martin Luther quote.  You must have heard it from me.

FROM PEE WEE:  Great inspiration, and I thank you for your perspective! Let him decide.  ===JACK:  I know someone who has a pet fish, named Fish.  Fish was created by God.

FROM INDY GENIE:  “Let the mystery be.”===JACK:  Agnes De Met was told that she wouldn't make it to Heaven.  She's content to "let the mystery be."

FROM PROUD MARY:  i'm with iris dement on this one.
"some say we're going to a place called glory and i ain't sayin it ain't a fact.
but i heard that i'm on the road to purgatory and i don't like the sound of that.
i believe in love and i live my life accordingly.  i choose to let the mystery be." dogs go to heaven.===JACK:  Do all people go to heaven?===PM:  Is it blasphemy to believe we get as many do-overs as needed to get things right?===JACK:  I wonder who it is who's qualified to say whether or not something's blasphemy?

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  good words here today,  Jack.  thanks...

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  I think that if we were able to comprehend the intricate details of Heaven in our Mortal form, Jesus would have described it for us; We have to wait, and  trust, or have faith that the place he went to prepare for us will be "Heavenly"!!  :-) Just save me a place!~!===JACK:  Is Heaven an actual place, or is it a nebulous relationship?  Agnes Demet sings: I think I'll just let the mystery be."

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  I’ll leave to God.  He knows what perfection is like.===JACK:  Good advice!

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