Friday, October 04, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 10/4/19
“Take care of your body.  It’s the only place you have to live.”  (Jim Rohn)  Do you have an age goal?  My mom lived to be 102; I want to reach 103.  She and I were competitive!  I’ll need to eat right, exercise, floss regularly and rely on the will of God to win!  The real truth is…we live and we die.  It’s what we do while we live that really counts.  Yes, take care of your body!  But, take care also to do and say things to make the space around you more pleasant.  ;-)  Jack  

FROM SF IN WBMI:  Just had a check-up with my dr. She has observed many amazing aging people throughout her career. Her advice for a long and healthy life: 1. Stay connected with people. You don’t need to be lonely. 2. Don’t gain excessive weight. Obesity leads to many health problems.
3. Keep moving. Every day.  Simple, yes?  (My parents both died at 68. Too young. They lived an unhealthy lifestyle. Gave me determination to beat their odds. So far, so good!)===JACK:  If we knew then what we know now....Lifestyles sometimes change with new information.  When I was growing smoking was the "cool" thing to do...not knowing the risks.  Healthy lifestyles can add years to life, as has been brought to your attentions.  Not only do we add years to our life, we also add life to our years.===SF:  Yes, quality!

FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  That is amazing! One of our neighbors lived to be 103! He used to ride his bike around our block until the end! Enjoy each day’!===JACK:  If it's not a bike, what is it that keeps you going "like the Energizer Bunny?"

FROM WALMART REV:  "Live and die here;  but really live there!" Didn't seem Christ was interested in sticking around any longer then necessary . . . "If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord" Romans 14:8 NIV--One of my all-time goal-setting Scriptures; however, as you state so wisely this morning, this can't be used in copping out for not being a good steward over our bodies. 0;-)===JACK:  What's one of the oldest people that you've met at Walmart?  ...older than you?===REV:  We have a gentleman in our church still going to work everyday at 94.(one of the founding fathers of the poultry company)...I’m on the road today heading down to my last remaining uncle on my mothers side’s 90th birthday (none left on my father’s side)...missing the celebration back at the church tomorrow of one’s 95th. 0;-)

FROM HAWKEYE GEORGE:  Good thought. I agree. Why do you want to live to be 103, besides outliving Mom?===JACK:  Reason to live to 103?  Because, Life is good!  If things were bad with no hope of improving, 103 is waaaay too long.===GEORGE:  But isn't there a better place to be? ===JACK:  Right now I'm going to wait til "the role is called up yonder."  

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  i thought you were 103 already!   just kidding.   you are doing great,  Jack.  keep up the good work.===JACK:  Do you remember the song,  One day at a time sweet Jesus  That's all I'm asking from you.  Just give me the strength  To do everyday what I have to do.
Yesterday's gone sweet Jesus  And tomorrow may never be mine.  Lord help me today, show me the way
One day at a time.

FROM DB IN WB:  Thank you, Jack. That was beautiful!  My “tent” is hurting. I am only 52, but I have been discovering small muscles that I don’t use as much (been fall cleaning, moving furniture, painting). I am doing it single-handedly. (don’t have anyone to help – I don’t mind, except that I can’t do as much as I would like to without a day or two off in between. I feel like I am racing against time because I need to have the windows open when I paint)  Oh, to be 23 again! Such excellent muscle recovery. The old saying IS true, youth is wasted on the young. I wasn’t as productive then as I am now, but I sure could use the younger version of me (a clone would be helpful).  Have you thought of any new goals to put on your bucket list?  You are an inspiration!===JACK:  Trying to live the Godly life is my inspiration.  Sometimes I succeed; sometimes I fail, but I keep moving on.  I learned a long time ago..."Jesus loves me, this I know."  Good times and bad..."Jesus loves me, this I know."  So, I keep on keeping on.  Looking back, my bucket overfloweth.  No need for more stuff.  Best wishes.

FROM NORM'S BLOG:  While today’s post title may sound like I’m talking about active self-destructive behavior in which you abuse your body, it is just as much about just letting your body (or mind) go to pot as anything. Doing nothing is a popular option when contemplating following the proper diet and doing
the exercise that you should be doing routinely. However, doing nothing is not a benign option; it is a destructive choice that too many people allow to rule their lives. Doing nothing is as abusive as doing obviously harmful things.  The body needs regular exercise to maintain muscle tone and to retain balance and flexibility. Up until he was on his deathbed, my grandfather had a daily morning routine in which he ran through a series of stretching and movement exercises to maintain his body. He lived to be 98. My father did not follow that example and only lived into his mid-70’s. Unfortunately, lately I have been more like my father than my grandfather. I need to get back to a regular routine of exercising.===JACK:  Are 
your words going to be followed by action?

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  Great words to live by!  Take care of your body and your faith.
===JACK:  Some things about our body are beyond our control.  Our faith?  That's ours alone. ===JUDY:  My body has a mind of its own.  This PsA takes over my body but I control my attitude.  My faith is between God and I.===JACK:  Life is sometimes a battle.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  We've gained so much information and insight into healthier life choices than when we were growing up!  It's a wonder any of us lived to be 80 and 90 yrs old!  Whoever made sure that 5 fruits and 5 veggies be in our diet every  day?. Who knew about avocados? Mangos?
Kale? Ha! Without our modern conveniences easing housework and streamlined mowers, leaf blowers, farm machinery, I think our elders DID get exercise, even if they didn't power walk or jog, or do Yoga or gym workouts! :-)  I hope you did inherit your mom's good genes for long(er) life! We want you around Go, Jack, Go!===JACK:  ...and some things are beyond our personal control.  The will of God, for example.  As the old hymn puts it: "Our times are not our own."

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