Monday, October 21, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 10/21/19
“Be the Bridge!”  (Poster in a lab)  The late Elijah Cummings had one face to face meeting with Donald Trump and said to him, “Mr President, you’re now 70-something; I’m 60-something.  Very soon you and I will be dancing with angels.  We need to figure out what present can we leave to generations unborn.”  Elijah has certainly left his.  Now, it’s up to the President, the other lawmakers and us to be “the Bridge” to a better life for future generations.   ;-)  Jack

FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  He is certainly trying every day’===JACK:  In what ways do you see him trying to make life better for the "unborns?"  Just curious!

FROM SF IN FL:  You are an optimist, my friend! Elijah Cummings was an exceptional human being. A great loss. 😢===JACK:  He was a living bridge back to MLK Jr.  I'm an optimist, because no bridge is built without optimism.  Polarization is not solved without someone making the first move.

FROM LBP:  Lots of things we can bridge aren’t there===JACK:  What I'm talking about is us being Ithe bridge to another generation.  What is there of significance that we bring with us to give to them?  It seems as though most of the time time we concentrate on negatives.  There are (can be) positives.  

FROM EDUCATOR PAUL:  Trump is only interested in what benefits him and how good it makes him look! “Never apologize”  is his motto! No chance of being a bridge! He lives by his wall!  ===JACK:  I control what I can control.  I will try to be the bridge.  Cummings tried to be the bridge.  Both walls and bridges can be used as analogies.

FROM WALMART REV:  A Biblical perspective from James 1:17 might be a good directive those ladies and gentlemen from Washington DC might benefit from...don’t hear much reference from them in this regard in recent times:  “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”  At least you and I can keep the “Light” on without any least, that is, not yet?!===JACK:  Reading the Bible may be a good first step.  I've found that the next step is equally important....Who will help you to understand what you have read?  

FROM RS IN TEXAS:  While I would hope the president does the right things, I don't think I'll hold my breath on it.  379 days until election day 2020, but who's counting?===JACK:  Cummings was trying to be a bridge when he met the president face to face.  I'm pretty sure that that meeting was not his favorite thing to do...but he did it.===RS:  Yep -- Kudo's to him for tirelessly fighting for the the oppressed and discriminated against.  Wish we had more like him.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:    Elijah made his life count....It would be good if Trump danced out of office, before he destabilizes the whole world! :-( I TRY to pray rather than worry...It's a challenge!! ===JACK:  Prayer is not meant to be used for the easy stuff.  I can't remember the last time I prayed for President Trump.  Is that good, or bad?  Many of us pray....and continue to carry whatever burden it is.  Do remember singing..."Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there?"

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  I wonder how many people pray for our President?  We should all be praying for God to be with and guide, our government no matter who their affiliations.===JACK:  Why do we find it so hard "to pray for our enemies?"  Jesus never said that we are to pray only for those we like?

FROM LBP:  Perhaps I'm looking at bridge as a connection between two unconnected groups and you are seeing it specifically in the connection from current to future? Being in one of the middle generations right now it's interesting to look back at how I perceived folks my age when I was young. But, frankly, looking forward is frightening.===JACK:  A bridge simply connects one side to another.  America is definitely a 2-sided nation at this time.  Some of us optimists believe that something to bring the  two together must be attempted.  That means we can't be intransigence.  I will TRY to be a bridge (rather than a wall.

FROM DAIRYLAND DONNA:  Unfortunately Mr. Trump cares about no one but himself.
It is up to the rest of us to love our neighbor and do what's right.===JACK:  The "roadblock" will not deter me.  I will find a way to outwit the dimwit.  My faith tells me that "in the end, right will be successful."

FROM AW IN IL:  Hi...I had a difficult time in one parish until I accepted the fact I was only a bridge from the last Pastor until the next one.===JACK:  A "perfect" example! 

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