Tuesday, October 01, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 10/1/19
“I’ve been praying my butt off.”  (Matt Seybert)  Matt was a football player who wanted to play a good game.  Have you ever prayed desperately about something?  We each probably know of people and issues that greatly trouble us.  We’re told to “take it to the Lord in prayer.”  The words we use don’t have to be churchy…just tell God what troubles us…in our own words…like talking with a friend.  “Lord, I’m praying my butt off to you about…”   ;-)  Jack  

FROM WALMART REV:  Sometimes hard to determine whether to work our butts off for Him or pray our butts off in corrective manners when determining whether to intervene or not to intervene in some situations.?!” 0;-/===JACK:  Do you remember when Weight Watchers used to meet at my church?  I should have suggested that they should pray during their meetings.===REV:  I had a thought come to me after I previously posted to your blog this morning.   
Jesus of course was/is the Master of knowing when to respond and when to remain silent. The picture that came to me was Jesus in the Garden in prayer and supplication over His forthcoming betrayal and death . . .highly spirited Peter in defense of the Son of God slashes off the high priest's slave's ear as they come for Christ...Jesus says, “No more of this.” And he touched the man’s ear and healed him.  Hard at times to know when to pray, protest or pray while protesting? ===JACK:  There is so much that we don't know opr don't understand.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  Praying our butts off might be a good way to lose a few lbs! :-)  There:   are many situations as we "do life" that call for desperate and intense prayer whether for healing (as
when Bill "died" on the handball court, and was revived after 45 minutes to continue preaching and teaching for another 16 years; or when son Mark needed a liver transplant, which did not materialize in time, etc) or wisdom in dire situations  we or a loved one or friend  faces.  I believe our prayers are heard, and it is a powerful force, but we do not always get the answer we were hoping for...that is where faith has to sustain us.  Right now our gov't. situation  & country condition needs some "praying our butts off", so we continue to work and pray...===JACK:  I think that the petition, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven," is included in the Lord's Prayer for a reason..

FROM HAWKEYE GEORGE:  A bit crude to be sending out. ===JACK:  Crudeness is in the eye/ear of the beholder.  Sorry for the offense!

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  it also sounds like a great weight loss plan.  i know lots of people who would like to shrink their butts...  ===JACK:  I 'd venture to say that there are more people "standing in the need of prayer" than are standing to lose some weight!

FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  I am just thankful for each day!===JACK:  Yes, each day is a blessing.  You and I are privileged to have lived more of them than most people.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  Yes, I have prayed my butt off...but it’s still there.  😊.   I have and I continue to.  We had a seriously ill grandson, a very ill grandson now, a unreal situation with our son, and many many times i have literally got on my knees to pray for many others.  God has been very good to us and has never left us. ===JACK:  Through the years you and I have shared many funny stories....but I've also been aware that life hasn't been easy for you because of circumstances.  I admire your faith and your dependence on prayer to be in touch with God.  Do you remember the song, Just a Little Talk With Jesus?

Verse 1:
I once was lost in sin, but Jesus took me in
And then a little light from heaven filled my soul;

It bathed my heart in love and wrote my name above
And just a little talk with Jesus makes me whole

Now let us, Have a little talk with Jesus
Let us, tell Him all about our troubles
He will, Hear our faintest cry
And He will, answer by and by;
Now when you, Feel a little pary'r wheel turning
And you, know a little fire is burning
You will, Find a little talk with Jesus makes it right

Verse 2:
Sometimes my path seems drear,without a ray of cheer
And then a cloud of doubt may hide the light of day;
The mists of sin may rise and hide the starry skies
But just a little talk with Jesus clears the way

Verse 3:
I may have doubts and fears, my eyes be filled with tears
But Jesus is a friend who watches day and night;
I go to him in prayer, He knows my every care
And just a little talk with Jesus makes it right

FROM DR J:  Personally I do not think so. I think God has bigger things on her list :-) but maybe prayer helps influence a persons focus???? ===JACK:  The older I get, the bigger is the store of knowledge that I have yet to learn.  I'm suspicious of those who have all of the answers.  Don't go wild in downtown Detroit tonight!

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