Friday, October 25, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 10/25/19
“The hardest thing is to take less when you can get more.”  (Kin Hubbard)  I read of a man who’s suing Golden Corral, because he was refused more food, after already eating between 50 and 70 pounds.  “The sign says, All you can eat!”  There are at least 100 verses in the Bible that advise moderation.  It’s not in the Bible, but many of us have heard it: Moderation in all things!  The Catholic Church has made a list of the 7 worst sins…Gluttony is one of them.   ;-)  Jack.  

FROM TRIHARDER:  My quandary  -- when we go out with coupled, we invariably split the bill, which includes alcohol. I'm a very light drinker and I pay for the very expensive taste of friends who order two from the top shelf. So, do I make up for it by ordering an expensive dessert or appetizer?
Back in collge, when we looked our resources to go shopping, I refused to pay for cigarettes. It's a little more contentious to draw that line during dinner. My brother, though refused to pay for alcohol at his son's batchelor party.  He was roundly criticized for it. Have a boo-tiful week. ===JACK:  If I’m treating, I’m treating.  No quandary.  bIf we’re splitting the bill, I’m paying more than my share…que sera sera.  If I don’t want to pay for the drinks or cigs, I say so…and take the heat.  Life isn’t always fair.  Which are the important battles?===TH:  I don't fight many of the battles I used to engage in. Too many ruffled feathers. Sometimes it's just easier to keep friends.  But, no, I've had friendly arguments with friends who have imbibed a little too much about driving home.===JACK:  Friends don't let friends drive drunk, as the saying goes.

FROM WALMART REV:  Definitely, "a whale" of a problem, even hitting close to home this morning! 0;-)===JACK:  At some point you'll reach that age when you will naturally take smaller portions.  I'm at that point...and feel better because of it.

FROM GOOD DEBT JON:  I hope they at least let him go to the desert bar.===JACK:  Ask your lawyer wife how she thinks the suit would turn out.===JON:  It's a bit ridiculous.===JACK:  Ridiculous?  A tow truck driver in Florida was clearing wreckage from an accident when fire ants crawled up his leg and bit him. But he later changed his tune when he sued the towing company, claiming he was injured by battery acid—even though his medical records show he told his doctors that fire ants bit him.  During the trial, a medical specialist verified that it was fire ants, not battery acid that caused the driver’s injury. Yet a jury still awarded the driver $5.2 million in damages.

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  i like these two sayings.   live simply so that others may simply live.     he who dies with the most toys is still dead! ===JACK:  I'll bet that you're living more elegantly (and with more toys) than your parents did....Not bad or good, but just the way it has turned out to be.===SP:  so right you are.   but now we are trying hard to downsize  and even minimize..   i love that old question we should all ask of  our possessions:  Do I own that thing or does that thing own me??    And if it owns me,   get rid of it!===JACK:  I'm still trying to come to grips with downsizing.  One of these days I'll be able to let go of my file of old sermons.===SP:  that is a Sacred Cow for me too!    after all,  we worked sooo hard in writing and delivering them.   we should have had them published!   they are sooo full of wisdom,  are they not??===JACK:  I have graduated to a shorter version...Winning Words.  While I'm (somewhat) proud of the past, I think that I have moved on to something better (in my eyes).  I don't see my best as being behind me.  Life goes on.


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