Friday, October 18, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 10/18/19
“Hey! Hey! Keep on Truckin’!”  (Hippie Slogan)  Someone asked me recently if I was still “truckin’.”  Well,  I just finished a battery of tests which showed that, while I’m not a semi, I’m a vintage pickup that’s still in shape.  One test allowed me to see my heart beating…and, what has caused it to keep on truckin’ year after year without stopping?  Amazing!  Yes, there is a God!    To me, “Keep on Truckin’” means, “Keep on goin’ on.”  That’s my wish for you and your heart!  ;-)  Jack.  

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:       you are a good example of why life insurance companies love clergy!   we live longer,  pay our premiums on time,  and collect later than the general populous!  congrats on your good health! ===JACK:  When asked what he did for a living, a pastor responded, "I sell eternal-life insurance."  (I know that you've heard that one before)  

FROM RS IN TEXAS:  And our wish for you, Jack===JACK:  We're still paying our life insurance premiums, aren't we?

FROM EDUCATOR PAUL:  Beautiful!===JACK:  A few rust spots on the chassis; the windshield is a bit dirty, and it's sometimes hard to get out of first-gear, but the old pick-up is still putting along.  Still lookin' OK

FROM SB:  Glad to learn that you’re doing well health-wise. Keep on preaching through your “Winning Words!”===JACK:  Winning Words is truly my NEW style of preaching.  If I were to begin ministry all over again in these times, I'd try to find a way to reach of to the many who claim to be spiritual, but not religious.  They are an untapped source of strength.

FROM MY LAWYER:  You’re a semi in my book!===JACK:  ...and you're the one I'd call when the semi gets pulled over.

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:    t only are you truckin’ in your vintage pickup, you are still passing the other trucks on the road. yep, god’s at the wheel.  keep on keepin’ on, and so will i!===JACK:  As long as I've known you, I see you as a Beetle that needs repairs now and then, has a tank that could always use a little more gas...but is dependable.  Beep Beep!===LIZ:  i’m a ferrari. wild, fast, expensive to repair.===JACK:  Believe it, or not; my Chevy is serviced by the Ferrari dealer. ===LIZ:  what do you drive? i’m a volvo wagon driver at the moment. my mom bought her first volvo bc she saw an ad that said they last 17 yrs... alas, i found out volvo is chinese now, so this will be my last one.===JACK:  In Detroit there's a factory where you can see "your" Ford vehicle being made.  There's an enclosed walkways beside the assembly line.  The ad says, "Think Ford First!"

FROM WALMART REV:  You're all heart, Jack!! Thanks!! 0;-)===JACK:  I see you as one of those stock cars that need "praying over" each week.

FROM COPPER COUNTRY BOB:  Delighted to receive the analogy of a "vintage pickup" and that you continue  carrying a full load of  "joy in the Gospel" down the road.===JACK:  ...and you're one of those farm trucks that just gets the job done, not caring about much about anything other than that.
===BOB:  Yep, an old farm truck on a road of pot holes.

FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  Yes and it helps to have good genes! Didn’t your mother live to be over 100?===JACK:  She and I were competitive in games.  She lived to be 102; I want to reach 103.

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