Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 10/23/19
“You are perfectly cast in your life.  I can’t imagine anyone but you in that role.  Go play!”  (Lin-Manuel Miranda)  If a movie were to be made of your life, what *star* would fit as you?  The old song is right...”There’ll never be another you!” Fingerprints, facial recognition, DNA?  God has made each of us as “one of a kind.”  In the Bible the psalmist wrote: We are wonderfully made, intrically woven.  “Quiet on the set!  Scene 10-23-19! (You’re on!) Go play!”  Jack ;-) 

FROM SF IN FL:   Good morning! Love this!===JACK:  As I was paying for breakfast this morning, the cashier said, in passing, "These days there are cameras everywhere."  Smile, you're on camera somewhere.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  Who would play my life?  I have no idea.  Most of the actresses are unknown to me.  But it would be a comedy.===JACK:  Since you're on your own Green Acres, how about Lisa (Eva Gabor) playing you?  Oops!  I just read that she's dead.

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  Good one, Jack.  Thanks

FROM ETR:  Very cleverly written. Bravo!!===JACK:  Have you even been mistaken for someone else.  Someone came up to me once and thought that I was Gordie Howe, the hockey player.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  So creatively put: I loved this!  My students used to say I looked just like the mother in "Happy Days" with Ron Howard and Fonzie. Since I was always at church on Wed. nights when it played on TV I didn't get to see her...But fun that they often made that comparison! :-)  yes, we are all unique, and fearfully and wonderfully made;
(There is a great book by that title, by Dr. Paul Brand and Philip Yancey. Jaw-dropping info. on how intricately our physical bodies are made! I re-read it every so often to remind myself of how marvelously created we are to function on Earth!!) YOU are one of his marvels! Thanks, Jack===JACK:  Recently, as the doctors were looking for a source for the infection that was bugging me, I had a chance to look at test results for the various organs in my body.  The echo-cardiogram was especially fascinating.===OAKS:  Yes, I've watched my echo-cardiogram, and heard the loud swooshing, as blood surged (which you don't hear as it swirls through the valves and veins ordinarily!) It is interesting, and a little unnerving!===JACK:  ...and to think that it's been operating that way, day in, day out, since birth.  Wow!

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