Thursday, October 10, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 10/10/19
“Not the power to remember, but it’s the very opposite; the power to forget is a necessary condition for our existence.”  (Sholem Asch)  Two old friends meet.  One says, “I’m sorry, but I can’t remember your name.”  The other replies, “How soon do you need to know?”  Memory loss is no joke, but I’ve read that being able to forget is important for mental health.  It’s also important for allowing us to forgive.  Is there something you need to let go of today?   ;-)  Jack

FROM VW MARY:  Right now, the way I get treated at the airport and the fact that security has taken away two little items that I've traveled with for years.....===JACK:  It's the price we pay for not being hi-jacked or blown up.

FROM SF ON THE WAY TO FL:  G’s lament: I remember EVERYTHING, especially when he has messed up! That’s not good!! 😂===JACK:  Remembering or forgetting, the power of the brain is marvelous (when it works).

FROM TAMPA SHIRL: If u forget some these days u can check with google! What a wonderful life it is these days!  If u forget some these days u can check with google! What a wonderful life it is these days!===JACK:  I can't comprehend being in school with today's search engines.

FROM DS IN SOCAL:  Jack, I find it harder to forgive myself than to forgive others.===JACK:  Hard to forgive self or others?  Just picture what's on God's plate!

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  My kids often remember things from their childhood that I've forgotten; it seems we are so busy while raising family that it all becomes somewhat of a 'blur"...I can remember
short nights most of the time during those years! We all probably wish we'd spent more time "smelling the flowers",  in our hectic schedules, but on the other hand, Looking back over 90 years,  my life has been filled with blessings!!===JACK:  Somebody needs to record the "memories" before everybody forgets them.  Maybe...a Memory Jar on your kitchen counter where everyone can write down a memory and place it in the jar.  You can add a few, running out of gas on the way to school...

FROM JDR IN CA:  Couldn't agree more.

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