Tuesday, October 08, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 10/8/19
“Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind.”  (Shakespeare)  A friend sent me a video of an old man sitting on a park bench.  A young man comes and sits beside him.  “Tell me what you see;” said the old man, “I am blind.”  The young man “saw” a blue sky, ducks in a pond with laughing children feeding them, a boy running with a kite, a birthday party.  At the end, the young man walks away, using a white cane.  True beauty is in the mind of the beholder.  ;-)  Jack

FROM SF IN WBMI:  Beautiful!

FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  How true that is!===JACK:  How great it is that the mind can imagine.

FROM ME IN NEWPORT BEACH:  Nice.  Showed and discussed that video with my 11 year old grandson as I will do with your WW:===JACK:  I told you  that I'd be using your video in the near future, but didn't believe that it  would be this near. 

FROM SOUNDS LIKE MIKE:  Excellent, Jack.  That opens a door though.  There is a saying that heaven is in the  mind.  Is "reality" then born out of point of view?===JACK:  Most people think in terms of an earthly-like heaven.  My heaven is more mysterious than that.

FROM BB IN CHGO:   I had a dream about you last night.  We were in your childhood home in Rockford (not Moline) and I told you I thought you would enjoy seeing the old spot.  You became very excited when we peeked in your (older) sister Helen’s room and saw her bed, still in its place from the 40’s? A stuffed animal and childhood toys.  We were walking down the hallway toward your room and Nancy’s when the dream ended.  It was peaceful and joyful.  Not sure why your family is on my mind in that way but that’s dreams.  I left a message for Nancy on Herb’s birthday.  Perhaps still thinking of him/them.===JACK:  My dreams are often weird.  Often, I write them down in a "Dream" book   A couple of nights ago. in my dream, I was visiting in a home where I couldn't find a bathroom.  The lady of the house said I could use the one in the basement.  When I went down there i saw that they had turned the basement into the locker room for the Chicago Bears.  As I looked out the basement window I could see the Bears practicing in the backyard.  Suddenly the team manager came in and ordered me out.  I explained that the lady upstairs said I could use the bathroom....and then I woke up.

FROM HAWKEYE GEORGE:  Good thought. I might use it in the prose poem I'm writing. ===JACK:  You're welcome to it.

FROM WALMART REV:  Would be interesting to know if the young man had been blind from birth could still envision what he described as seeing...in other words, could someone effectively portray the scenes he described without ever seeing those scenes.?.?  Question is coming from someone who sees the potential of finding the pony in the midst of the horse manure...but I have previously seen a desired pony and have effectively stepped in the pile of manure more times than I wished to remember. 0;-)===JACK:  Sometimes simple stories lose their meaning if/when we make them more complex...as with the parables of Jesus.  Sometimes they're better standing alone, without some preacher trying to "explain" Jesus' words.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  It’s so easy to “see” a person but to really see the real person is a blessing.===JACK:  I need more explanation with regard to what point you are making. ===JUDY:   Real love is from inside- not just outside.===JACK:  Now, I 'see."

FROM NORM'S BLOG:  There is a little phrase that people often use - “in my mind’s eye”. They use it to describe the ability to “see” things in our minds.  Athletes use this ability to visualize a shot or a play ahead of it actually happening. Most of us use it to give form to our imaginations and conjure up images of the good or bad things to come. It is interesting that vision is the primary sense that we imagine in our minds and not touch or smell or sounds (although most dreams, which also take place in the mind, involve sounds as well as things that we see).  So, how does one see love in the minds eye? I would submit that is less visual than it sounds and involves the "mental" sensations of various of our senses all at the same time. One does not so much “see” love and they sense it, they experience it. You can watch love (or experience it yourself) as a child (or adult) plays with a new puppy. There is unconditional love coming from the puppy and the new owner is returning that love. You also see it many times with young couples interacting when they think no one is watching (or they don’t care if anyone is watching).===JACK:  The eye does not see; it's the mind that uses the eye to see.  It's an amazing body that we have.  Most of us don't appreciate it enough.

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