Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 10/22/19
“Be not simply good.  Be good for something.”  (Thoreau)  As a kid I was pretty good at paddleball; I still have my last paddle with high scores marked on it.  I was good, but good for nothing--except for personal enjoyment.  Thoreau was an idealist, believing that we’re put on earth to make a positive difference..  I know of someone who does volunteer work, lots of it…for no pay.  I call her a good for nothing.  Do you know of people like those Thoreau described?   ;-)  Jack

FROM FEEDSTORE:  You give a whole new meaning to… good for nothing! I could use some extra prayers in regards to a situation we find ourselves in, knowingly and willingly. S and I are taking care of my aunt who has dementia, someone who is far too young, strong , active and full of life, for the state her mind is in. Our mind is an amazing “puzzle” at times, to say the least. I am grateful for my extended family here in Michigan, who is definitely helping with her care.  Thank you for your strength and perseverance through your hardships and challenges in life. I am forever grateful for your ”winning words”!!===JACK:   Prayers are an added blessing, but with or without our prayers, God continues to watch over "His" people.  Thinking of your aunt, I'm reminded of the verse that says...Not even one sparrow falls to the ground but that God is aware and cares.  May God continue to bless the many "good for nothing" caregivers today.

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  w/o personal enjoyment it would be a pretty dull and stressful existence, nd we would not have the stamina to volunteer our services to others... which gives me an idea. basketball league for the homeless!===JACK:  A basketball league for the homeless!  What a great idea, and I'm going to run with it.  I'll let you know what happens.

FROM COPPER COUNTRY BOB:  To build upon your "be good for something"  I'm attaching a pamphlet which I'm using for confirmation this Sunday.===JACK:  Your pamphlet gave me another Winning Words idea which I shall use in the near future.  You come up with some good ones! 

FROM WALMART REV:  I can still recall those earlier bowling days (around 10 years worth) trying to carve out a reputation of being one of the best...one season feeling on top of my game and enjoying the compliments and successes that came with ii and other times finding myself in a slump feeling defeated, very disappointed and dreading the self-imposed desire to get back on top of my game somehow.  Must admit, ministry, even in my lowest times, never gives me the feeling of “all this for nothing” but always “the best is yet to come!” A good measure of servitude without gratuity, but very fulfilling!  Blessings on your day ahead, Jack!===JACK:  I know that you "show" your ministry at places like Walmart and the Willmar Race Track.  Have you ever ministered at the local bowling alley...perhaps by offering to be a sub for a team?  ...or by working at the counter?   ...or by offering a prayer at the beginning of a season...or at the ending banquet?===REV:  Actually haven’t bowled since 1997 as my legs have given out to keep up with the game at a level I would enjoy.  Henceforth, my continuing satisfaction with ministry at my present age.===JACK:  How about giving basic bowling lessons to children (or learning adults) at the bowling alley.  Some kind of ministry to do in your spare time.

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  pastors are paid to be good.  but when they retire,  they have to be good for nothing!:):):)===JACK:  Perhaps by being a "Worker Priest" would help ease the guilt...if there is any.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  Wherever we served, I conducted 2 & 3 church choirs without pay, over the years, but that held many great memories and friendships! I'm still able to participate in our meals for the homeless...getting ready to decorate the tables, and hand out favors and treats for a festive Halloween meal on the   30th. They are always very appreciative of our efforts, which encourages us to want to do it, month after month.  There are far more needs for volunteers everywhere, than people to do it. Bless those who spend their lives for something that will outlast it!!===JACK:  Most churches are volunteer organizations...volunteer choirs, Sunday School teachers, youth group leaders, Church Council members, committee members, etc....and you are the Queen of Volunteers!

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  Yes, I do.  Lots of people I know do volunteer work.  They are a blessing to all those thru serve.===JACK:  I, too, know lots of volunteers.  I'd hate to try to lead a church without them.

FROM ETR:  Yes, she's very good for nothing.  Thank you for seeing that in her and supporting her passion.===JACK:  You don't meet very many people these days who go out of their way to do something, not expecting to be paid for it.  A simple "Thank you!" is more than enough pay for them.

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