Friday, March 25, 2022

 *Jack’s Winning Words 3/25/22

Everyone has his own mission in life.”  (Viktor Frankl)  In the movie, It’s a Wonderful Life, the point is made that the world would be different if George Bailey had not been born.  It can be also said that this world would be different if you or I weren’t a part of it.  Think about that!  Dr. Frankl claims that we each have a mission in life.  The question is not whether or not we have made the world a better place, but whether or not we made a positive influence. We are each a George Bailey.  At least, Viktor Frankl seems to think so.  Do you?  ;-)  Jack

FROM LS IN MI:  The influence we are “destined” to make in life is not positive or negative, it just is.   How it “is” determined is a mystery.  How it is interpreted is left to the universe.  Like a tree falling in the forest and no one around to hear it - does it make a noise ?  If we exist,  with nothing  to interpret our influence have we made a positive or negative or any  influence at all ?  I love the mystery of life for I believe when I am “ready” to receive,  all knowing, I shall receive this blessing.  Wishing you a healthy, beautiful day. ===JACK:  Those truly are thought-provoking "thoughts."  ...the people we meet and interact with certainly affect us...change us...for better...or worse. 

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:   glad you are part of my world...===JACK:  I seem to remember that our first contact was when you were in real estate with "Corky" Mahar.  Lots of water has passed over the dam.

FROM SHARIN' SHARON:  Am enjoying reflecting upon the WW this morning.  Yes, I also believe we are each a George Bailey.  We used to, in our family, mail out birthday cards.  But for lots of years now, what with the internet and Facebook, are in the habit of sending Happy Birthday wishes in this very fast way.  I type out something like “We are glad and thankful you popped out on this day to bless all our family and the world with your love and talents and giftedness.  Happy Birthday!!!”  Everyone is special.  Everyone has a unique part to play in this world.  No one is more valuable but no one is less valuable either.  It’s the Gold Standard of life we hold to.  Agree completely with Victor Frankl.  I’m thinking he was a Holocaust survivor or something but will have to google to check that out.  Thanks for generating WW for us to reflect upon this morning.  Your love, talents and giftedness are very much appreciated by all of us too, Thank you for popping out into the world!!!===JACK:  Will there be a Church Garden this year?  I know that you and Jerry used to do most of the work, but prayers aren't the only things "raised" to give praise to God and to nourish the hungry. ===SS:  Yes, planning is under way for this coming season of the community farm.  In fact, Jerry and I are supposed to give a little temple talk on it this Sunday.  One never knows who might turn up to volunteer in the field and fortunately Jerry and I still have the health for it but some cricks and stuff in the back and so forth.  Just means that we have to pace ourselves more now.  Thanks for your interest in this charitable project and prayers.===JACK:  As a text for your about the parable of the Sower and the Seed?

FROM EMT SINGS IN TC:  Yes, I certainly do agree with that.  If I had time I could show examples of that. Right now I am on my way to help at the food pantry at church.  Rick was such a good example of "doing good" and I am trying to follow his lead.===JACK:  That, too, is a reason for following Jesus.  One of the most popular books ever written was IN HIS STEPS, by Charles Sheldon.    

FROM MV AT ML:  I had a class in college called Meaning in Life. We read Man’s Search For Meaning by Frankl. It was a very important book for me to read in my life’s development. He found meaning in life in a concentration camp. He found people living and finding meaning despite the horrific conditions in the camp.  JACK:  I've always been an advocate for a "Liberal Education" which allows "career-focused" students to be introduced to the thoughts of people like Frankl.

FROM SALON SUZY:  World has been different fir me since your blog 🙏===JACK:  I need to sit in "your chair" more often.  I'll put it on my TO DO LIST when I return to Minnesota.

FROM ME IN NEWPORT BEACH:  Absolutely.  Doing my best to be a positive influence every day in my own little world, and thoroughly enjoying it in the process.  One of the reasons I have such respect for you and the profound positive influence you have had on so many.  Thank you,===JACK:  I, too, am thoroughly enjoying life.  Looking back, I have tried to craft my ministry along "positive" help make religion a meaningful and satisfying for "my" people.

FROM IKE AT THE MIC:  On that theme is one of my favorite quotes:  "To the world,you may be one person,but to one person you may be the world.===JACK:  I don't look for an answer, bt who's "the world" to you...and in whose world do you have a very important place?


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