Tuesday, March 15, 2022

 *Jack’s Winning Words 3/15/22

“How we handle what’s ahead of us will be determined by what we learned from everything that’s behind us.”  (Craig Lounsbrough)  This quote was sent to me by an experienced  school teacher.  She sees the value of a basic foundation for an educated person.  It starts with a caring home.  Even Kindergarten is important.  My “best learning” took place in Grade 6…because of the teacher.  One block upon another, and pretty soon you’re educated!   “We are what we were.”  Even the world we have is a world we’ve made…isn’t  it?   ;-)  Jack  

FROM IKE AT THE MIC:  Reminds me of the saying: "The further back you look,the further ahead you can see..===JACK:  It reminds me of the song: "I was looking back to see if he was looking back at me."

FOM DR JOE D:  You’re 6th grade teacher must have been special. What do you remember most about her/him?  Why memorable?  I love asking this question of my students too.  Teachers matter!  One activity I do with the teachers I teach with my professional development business is what I call “STAND TALL”  I have them Stand up and form a line from least amount of teaching experience to most… Then we sound off… stating how many years of experience we each have. They then calculate a total number of teaching experience… and then multiple that by a factor of 60 students (the average number of students/year the teachers teach), and then we multiple that by185 (average number of days of the school year). My last group.  32 teachers and a cumulative of 448 years of experience  448 x 60 students = 26,880 students impacted to date  26,880 x 185 = 4,972,800 student impact days  Bottom line… Teachers matter… we have a very large impact on the future of our world. Perhaps larger than any other profession!   For better or for worse.  Teachers who voluntarily come to professional development to learn more and grow typically change the world in positive ways.  I want them to know how much they matter!===JACK:  She made learning fun with lots of competition (flash cards).  Once A student was standing in front of the calss with his "barn door" open.  The class was snickering.  She calmly took him into the hall where the problem was fixed.  The recitation went on as though nothing had happened.  The teacher and her boyfriend took the class of a Saturday bike ride.  Since I didn't have a bike, I borrowed one, because I didn't want to miss out.  She got married and had to quit teaching, because married women were not allowed to teach (even tho married men were allowed to).  After that rule was suspended she came back to be a really effective administrator.  At  her retirement I went to her home and thanked her for all that she had done.  Ruth Erickson

FROM EMT SINGS IN TC:  I really liked that and especially because of what I have been going through.  You are truly considered one of my trusted friends!===JACK:  I never pass your WB driveway without thinking of you and Rick.  What was the year when you were married?

FROM SMILIN' TERI:  What a wonderful comment to end the day. you are…a calming force and a great listener.


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