Wednesday, March 02, 2022


*Jack’s Winning Words 3/2/22
“The  real question of Lent is how will I clear out the junk and garbage in my life…that will open up space for God.”  (Ruth Haley Barton)  My blog site has an emoji in the shape of a garbage can, and I use it once in a while.  Emojis began in Japan in 1997.  The first one was a heart.  Today, Ash Wednesday, marks the beginning of the season of Lent, a 40-day time for rearranging life - out with the bad
🗑️ – in with the good ️.  I suppose that the most popular emoji is a smiley face.  I usually put a winking smiling face at the end of Jack’s Winning Words, because I’d like to have these daily words put a smile on your face (with a wink).  ;-)  Jack 

FROM WILLMAR REV:  …some of us have an old bald head to go with ours! 0;-)===JACK:  At first I read it to say, "an old bald hear to go with our ears."

FROM WB IN WB:  With Passover (the Festival of Unleavened Bread) beginning soon, all over Israel every man, woman and child will soon be busy cleaning their closets, shelves, drawers and vehicles in order to be ready for this most important celebration.===JACK:  Yep!  For Jews, Passover is the ultimate of Spring cleaning. The Passover story has a message for Christians, as well as Jews.  But, even that story needs interpretation.

FROMCH IN WB:  I like your words for today.  Thank you.===JACK: It's sort of like CPR: Out with the bad air; in with the good air.......and then there is new life.

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