Tuesday, March 01, 2022


Jack’s Winning Words 3/1/22
“Everywhere else it’s just Tuesday.”  (Mardi Gras Saying)  In Rio it’s Carnival; in France it’s Shrove Tuesday; in New Orleans it’s Mardi Gras; in Detroit it’s Paczki Day.  For many Catholics (and some others) it’s the last day “to let it all hang out” before the solemn season of Lent begins.  A person from Trinidad told me that pastors should not go to Trinidad during Carnival.  Then, he changed the subject.  Is there a season of the Church year (or any season, for that matter).that is your favorite?   For me, it’s Thanksgiving.  ;-)  Jack

FROM ER IN MN:  Thanks for sending positive thoughts.  J  ===JACK:  Are there any signs that it's Fat Tuesday where you are?===ER:  Not at all. ===JACK: Look for ashes tomorrow.

FROM WILLMAR REV:  I’m with you, Jack— Thanksgiving   Christmas and Easter, very special but celebrated more so privately and away from all the hubbub of our present society!===JACK:  Even the non-religious come together to give thanks (hopefully in a Spiritual way). 

FROM JR IN ANDOVER:  In the Black Forest it‘s Fasnat. ===JACK: Do some of the Germans give up beer for Lent?  I'll have to look up Fasnat. (further research)  There's a women's Carnival in Germany.  There's also a Rose Monday.  It seems as though the Germans are REALLY into preparing for Lent.===JR:  I‘m sure some do.  Again mainly a Catholic celebration, but also in my mom‘s hometown, Probstierhagen.  Probst, provost, being the leader of the local Catholic region, the Probstei.  Many farmers from Scott county came from the Probstei.===JACK:  What do you call yourself?

FROM LB IN WB:  .  I agree, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.  Family gathers and catch up with conversations.  Great food and great time.  No religious meaning, just a good time!!===JACK:  Religious holidays have a way of "shutting" people out, not purposely, but because of customs that make one feel uncomfortable.  Thanksgiving, on the other hand, seems to welcome all to the table.

FROM EMT SINGS IN TC:  Hi!  I think I go for Thanksgiving too! The many years I sang in the Plymouth Community Chorus required many extra rehearsals for the Christmas concert, besides everything else.  Thanksgiving was much easier!  Just had to worry about the food!  ===JACK:  Maybe Christmas worries  start in Sept (or earlier).  I love the smells ol Thanksgiving. 


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