Thursday, March 03, 2022


*Jack’s Winning Words 3/3/22
“It will be our faces you see, not our backs.”  (Volodymyr Zelenskyy – Ukranian President)  Who would expect a former TV comedian to become a hero on the world stage?  We are seeing it play out before our eyes.  A hero is someone who displays honor and courage against “the odds.”  Think of David facing Goliath!  Think of WW 2 General Anthony McAuliffe replying: “Nuts” to the Nazi generals who demanded that he surrender.  Someone has said: “Heroes aren’t born they are made.”  Actor/President Zelenskyy is showing us how to play the role of hero.  Who knows when we might be asked to do something similar?  Let’s be people of honor and courage! ;-) Jack  

FROM ME IN NEWPORT BEACH:  Our son was in Peace Corps for 2 yrs in Namibia after graduating from UW in Madison, which is a breeding ground for PC volunteers.===JACK:  In today's world a (too large) segment of people are suspicious of places of higher learning and those who attend them.  Are we to celebrate these places, or to aim for the lowest common denominator?  That is one of the "hidden wars" going on in America. 

FROM HONEST JOHN:  Let us try to avoid either/or situations….that, to me, is the smart approach.===JACK:  I seem to remember reading...."He that is not for me is against me" and also singing the hymn, "Once to every man and nation comes the moment to decide."  The choice (either or) goes on forever.

FROM WILLMAR REV:  ...never comfortable... many of those situations come with those in the medical field, pastoral care, and HIPPA. 0;-/===JACK:  Are you for HIPPA or against it? 

FROM BB IN CHGO:  Safety; loyalty can always be restored when time allows.  If one is unsafe, injured, et cetera there may be no restoration of wholeness??  ===JACK:  How much time is to elapse before action is called for.  Ukraine is just one example.  We each have our personal "time-lapse" concerns.

FROM SHARIN' SHARON:  Interesting WW.  Hard to untangle and complex to really understand the meaning of all the words.  At first thought I’d go on to other emails since difficult to plumb through the language but more simply plumbing actual decisions about behaviors, would say safety is first.  Respecting dignity and safety of a friend can “buy time” until stuff gets worked out, especially trusting God is on the side of justice for all involved.  This rumination is probably as convoluted as the WW seem to me.  Both safety and loyalty are such stellar upstanding words regarding friendship.  Appreciate WW you generated for readers this morning,===JACK:  I've appreciated my philosophical training which shows that certain answers raise additional questions and that the final answer is elusive.  Someone has asked, "If God is the answer, what is the question?"  Life can be frustrating, at times.



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