Tuesday, March 08, 2022


Jack’s Winning Words 3/8/22
“I want to be like a sunflower, so that even on the darkest days I will stand tall and find the sunlight.”  (Unknown)  I did not know that the rose was the state flower of America.  Now, I understand why there’s a Rose Garden at the White House.  It makes sense to me now that the sunflower is the state flower of Ukraine, symbolizing solidarity and hope, especially in these days when their country is under siege.  There’ve probably been  times in your life when you’ve felt under siege.  What has given you a sense of hope?  Could it have been a flower?  ;-)  Jack  

FROM WILLMAR REV:  As you most likely are aware, the sunflower is the state flower of Kansas. I just became aware a few years ago that the face of the flower follows the sun from sunrise to sunset. Often what’s true in the physical is true in the spiritual.  I too have a heart to follow the ‘Son’ from sunup to sunset! 0;-)===JACK:  The first presidential candidate I ever saw was Alf Landon from Kansas when he made a whistle-stop speech in my hometown.  I still have a campaign button (in the shape of a sunflower) saved from that time.===REV:  I had forgotten him…Eisenhower in the early fifties was my first physical encounter with a Kansas President.===JACK:  I was a Stevenson voter when he ran against IKE, but history has given the Kansan pretty high marks for his terms as President.

FROM JJ IN SJ: Thanks, Jack===JACK:  Will you be growing sunflowers in your garden this year?  for their beauty?  and as a sign of support for the Ukrainians?

FROM TG IN MI:  Truly resonates with me!===JACK:  You have a "sunflower" face...and that's a compliment, too!


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