Monday, February 28, 2022


*Jack’s Winning Words 2/28/22
“He never stopped believing that he could be the best.” (Mitch Albom)   46-yr-old Tom Brady is commonly called the G.O.A.T. (Greatest Of All Time) of the National Football League.  Writer Albom claims that Brady never stopped trying to improve his skills, even as he aged.  People may not call us GOATs, but we can certainly show some improvement with an attitude like Brady’s and (one of my favorites)  The Little Engine That Could.  “I think I can” turns into “I know I can.”  Don’t stop believing in yourself.  You may not be the G.O.A.T., but by trying to be the best you can be, you can be a better EWE.  ;-)  Jack

FROM BB IN CHGO:  Great – as ever.  We have a new priest-in-training who is a missionary from some far-flung spot.  They’ve been giving him lots of pulpit time lately as I guess our church is his last stop before being launched into full-time service.  In any case, his messages often outshine the veterans.  Yesterday, he told us about the upcoming confirmation class and how he asked them to say the words they associate with Lent.  Most were about praying, giving to charity, fasting yet one young person said, “grace”.  So the homily was not about “giving up” something or “taking on” something but “giving-in” to the grace of God.  Listening, watching, praying and seeing how that incredible grace manifests each and every day.  Ahhh. ===JACK: When I was ordained, our class chose as its motto the verse from Jeremiah 1:   "Do not say, `I am only a child. ' You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you."  Youth is not always a sign of immaturity.  Today I had conversation with a "Catholic" who introduced me to the concept of having sponsors at Confirmation as there are sponsors at Baptism.  If I were to back into the business, I'd pick up on that idea...among others.

FROM JU IN NC:  I picked on being a better ewe. Cute. ===JACK:  Perhaps you heard the story about why the ram who jumped over the cliff...He was listening to music on the radio and heard the song: "There'll never be another you (ewe)."

FROM KZB:  But sheep go to heaven…and goats…===JACK:  But Jesus never was a football fan; hence, he never got to see the GOAT in action.  

FROM SHALOM JAN:  Oh, moan!  What a great punster EWE are!  As we are reminded on Wednesday that "to dust you shall return" it is also a good reminder to be the best we can while we can.  Thanks!  ===JACK:  This past week I read that most dust particles are made up of skin cells that we have shed.  It gives new meaning to "dust you shall return."




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