Wednesday, May 05, 2021

 Jack’s Winning Words 5/5/21

“Don’t tell your friends about your indigestion.  How are you? Is a greeting, not a question.”  (Arthur Guiterman)  I woke up recently with this question in mind:  “Why do horses whinney?”  Joan, who grew up on a ranch said, “It’s simply their way of saying, HELLO, in horse language.”  Today, when we greet people, let’s try to let them know that we’re glad to see them. You can use a fist bump, or you could even try a WHINNEY, but one of the best ways to do greet someone is with a smile. I’ll betcha that they’ll even smile back. ;-)  Jack 

FROM QUILTIMG CAROL:  A missionary pastor we met up here shared that when he and his wife were serving in Africa the greeting was – “I see you.”  Another words you acknowledged that saw this person as you looked them in the eye.  Another nice greeting – with a smile.  Greetings from Rice Lake!===JACK:  Whatever the words, I miss the times we had together.

FDROM BLAZING OAKS:  Smiles beget smiles, almost always! We've been using an elbow bump, but now that we've all had shots, an occasional hug!  Things are looking brighter, but we're not out of the woods ;yet!  In Japan you'd clasp your own hands in front of you, and give a  slight bow as you greeted them. Very polite, very respectful!===JACK:  As Yogi said, "It ain't over til it's over."  That can apply to Covid-19 as well as baseball games.

FRO HY YO SILVER:  It is actually a Jewish law to “greet all with a pleasant disposition/nice face”. Commentators note the importance of smiling, particularly in the public domain.  Google the following  Pirkei Avos or Pirkei Avot or Ethics of our Fathers  Chapter (Perek) 1  Section (Mishnah) 15  Rabbi Shammai said...

===JACK:  To be sure...You follow the law...and it seems to come naturally!

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  good one, Jack.  thanks.     does this have anything to do with Whinney the Poo?   different spelling i do believe:):):)  ===JACK:  Whinney the Poo?  Neigh!

FROM SALON SUZY:  So true! Love this one!===JACK:  I suppose customers sometimes tell you what's bothering them.===SS:  Some are too personal for me

FROM HOMELESS IN FLORIDA:  This is such a sweet message, and it speaks volumes in its simplicity.  Tell mom that she's right!===JACK:  She should know.  She is a "ranch girl," and her father was a real cowboy with his own horse.

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