Wednesday, May 26, 2021



Jack’s Winning Words 5/26/21

“Winning doesn’t always mean being first.  Winning means you’re doing better than you’ve ever done before.”  (Bonnie Blair)    While speed skater Blair was an Olympic medal winner, her focus was on something other than the gold.  While she’s proud of her medals, she concentrates on improving herself rather than on beating others.  Life would go better for many of us if we’d focus on “self-improving,” rather than on what others are doing. What is on your schedule today? Can you do it better than you’ve ever done it before?  ;-)  Jack

FROM NORM'S BLOG:  We have unfortunately become a society fixated on the concept of winners and losers. In order to be a winner, it seems, someone else must lose – you must beat someone or be better than them at something. There are very few focused upon creating win-win scenarios, where everyone is a winner and there are no losers required. The Special Olympics is one organization that focuses upon everyone who competes being a winner. Support the Special Olympics in your area. Be a winner.  Our political scene has become such a dysfunctional mess because the politicians’ ability to find compromises where everyone feels like they won has been lost. Politics has become a knock-down winner-loser contest with jaws set and compromise out of the question. Don’t let yourself get dragged into that morass. Be a winner.===JACK:  I hate it when somebody calls another person, a loser.  Imagine if, after a Little League baseball game, the members of the team when up to the other team and chanted: "Losers, losers, nah, nah, nah."  Instead, the custom is to shake hands with them and say, "Good game!"  

FROM MARCHE SWEDE:  Hi, Thank you for your winning words. I enjoy reading them daily. I found Covid to be very challenging and your words have been a real treat.===JACK  I write THE WORDS, first of all, for myself, then my editor, and then the rest of you...including Kim.  It's fun and at time challenging, but it starts my day off in the right way...a winning attitude.

FROM OPTIART:  I really like this one Jack. I hope I can do a better job of applying it as I move forward. Thanks===JACK:  As I grow older, I care less and less about whether or not I'm first.  "Been there; done that.".


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