Thursday, May 13, 2021

Jack’s Winning Words 5/13/21

“I know sometimes I’m difficult and stubborn…, but you have to admit, I’m totally worth it.”  (Taurus quote)  Stephen Colbert, Stevie Wonder and Dennis Rodman are born under this sign.  Do you know of others?  It’s estimated that 10 million people read their horoscope daily, but there’s been no scientific proof that these readings have more than entertainment value.  Still, “fortune tellers” think otherwise.  BTW, Virgos are: creative, hard-working, kind and picky.  I’ll go along with that..mostly!  ;-)  Jack

FROM HONEST JOHN:  I am a Gemini....May 21....have no idea what that means...===JACK:  I thought that you were a Swede.

FROM BS IN ENGLAND:  Is it your birthday today?  If so, happy birthday🥰 ===JACK:  It's someone's birthday (a  Taurus), but not mine.  We're having a party at noon.

FROM GURU CA:  You make me smile !===JACK: make me smile.

FROM WREV:  I’ll never forget a young man I befriended but never could convince of God’s love for mankind like himself. He had stabbed the young lady whom he loved and fell on the same knife while throwing himself down a flight of stairs to presumably kill himself. He lived and served 18 years for second degree murder. I walked alongside him the whole time and for a few years after he finished his sentencing and moved back home. He hung himself a couple of years ago over being rejected in another love relationship gone sour.  He said to me, “You Christians make Christianity only work for you because you believe in it and live as if it’s true.” I would say the same for horoscopes?! The “spiritual world’ offers a strange phenomenon that I’m not certain mankind truly understands yet (Ephesians 6:12)!? 0;-/===JACK:  Your pastoral experiences and the way you handle them amazes me.  you must certainly know the hymn..."All the way my Savior leads me."===WREV:  ... I've been 'carried' more miles than I can possibly remember, as well! Enjoy your day, Jack . . . great to have you as a personal pastoral friend! 0;-) 

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  i am a Gemini (spell?)  you get two for the price of one!   and twice as good too:):):)===JACK:  Two for the price of one... RIGHT!  Donald Trump is a Gemini, too! ===SP:   God forbid we have two of him! ===JACK:  I'm a Virgo...and so is Bernie Sanders.  Gemini traits: adaptable, outgoing, impulsive, nosy.

FROM PALJOEY:  Virgos are creative, hard-working, kind and picky. I'm a Virgo. Me, picky? haha  I do like the kind part, though. ☺===JACK:  Picky can be both a positive and a negative.  I think that Virgos tend to pick the positive.  At least, it seems to work for me.

FROM KIMF:  : )   Mark and I are both “well-balanced “ libras.....==JACK:  I wonder if marriages work better if husband and wife are of the same sign?  I'll have to research that.  RESEARCH SAYS:  Libra and Libra  Two Libras in a relationship can be either very good or extremely bad combination, no in-between. Even though they both strive for harmony and balance in life and are romantic and peaceful individuals who always try to avoid conflicts, as soon as the first problems in their relationship arise, frustration and anger will also come.



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