Tuesday, May 18, 2021


Jack’s Winning Words 5/18/21

“It’s always easier to cancel something than to fix it.”  (Nick Zano)  I’ve read that someone has over 6,300  “Friends” on Facebook.  I wonder if any of them have “unfriended” him?  It’s said that today we are living in a Cancel Culture when we can so easily cancel friends, or people we don’t like.  In “my day” we’d try to be-friend people, not un-friend them.  I’ve noticed that the divide between people has widened lately…politics, money, race, religion… all play a part.  Trying to “fix” others isn’t the solution either, but remembering that none of us is perfect might be a start.  BTW, what’s your definition of a friend?  ;-)  Jack

FROM SHARIN' SHARON:  Interesting WW again this morning.  Thanks for e-mailing them out.  I think my definition of a friend comes from what Jesus says in the Bible, if I can remember OK.  Something about the pagans lording it over each other but it is not so with us His followers.  He calls us friends and not servants because we wash each other's feet===JACK:  I'm into the words of Jesus about being a friend to people.  BUT, I'm not into the foot washing thing.  It might have been OK "back then,"

FROM HUNGRY HOWIE:  (A friend is) Someone that will pick you up at the airport===JACK:  Or...someone you can call up at 2 am and say, "We need to talk.)

FROM SHALOM JAN:  Someone who cares about me and whom I care about. ===JACK:  They know, and you know.

FROM  HOMELESS:  Your timing is often so uncanny. I just spent the better part of the wee hours of the morning wondering .....  Then I get this message about not giving up on people. Does God work in mysterious ways? I believe that he certainly does.===JACK:  There's a verse in the Bible..."Who has known the mind of God?"  We pray in the Lord's Prayer, "Thy will (not necessarily my will) be done."  Sometimes the hard part is figuring out the perfect solution (God's will).

FROM SK IN SJ:  My definition. You and Joan. Sharing and spending time together. Staying in touch . Going thru the ups and downs of life together. 😊❤ ===JACK it's a serendipitous story.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  I remember a motivational speaker saying if you have five true friends in a lifetime, you are fortunate. By that, he meant someone who was always there for you, that you could count on to care, to help,  to spend time with, who loved you through thick and thin....I think REAL friendship in depth, is rare, and you only have a few.  Bridge club buddies are fun and good company, but not usually your "best friend". Organizational friends and acquaintances are pleasant to know and to  share good times with, but those we share a history with, lots of ups and downs and good times & bad  and years of intimacy...those are friends with a capital F! ===JACK:  I can count my close friends on both hands and maybe the feet, too.  I am blessed.

FROM SALON SUZY:  Boy, this struck a nerve with me today.. like how you explained... agree to disagree...===JACK:  Some days I seem to pick the right words....at least, two of you responded (emphatically) that I did.

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