Wednesday, April 21, 2021

 Jack’s Winning Words 4/21/21

“Today is Longest Word Day which challenges us to use a long word in an ordinary sentence.  The longest word that I know of is: supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.  Yes, it’s a “wonderful” day today.”  (From Mary Poppins)  One of the longest unhyphenated words in the Bible is “lovingkindnesses,” (Ps 25:6)    It’s a 14-letter word describing a 5-letter one, grace, God’s love for us…given, although not deserved.  Love is usually thought of as: quid pro quo.  1 John 4:19 explains it:  “We love, because He first loved us.”  God’s love is supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!   ;-)  Jack

FROM SF IN FL:  Good morning!  One of my favorite words is ‘grace’. The women that I look up to as role models have grace...RBG, Michelle Obama, Jill Biden, certain friends, etc. I suppose some males too, of course!! Like you!!!!!!!😉  ===JACK:  for me, it's hard to accept something that I think is undeserved.  That's "grace"...theologically, or just in day to day conversation.  Do you remember the song, "It's hard to be humble?"

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  That is a delightful long word! And so is the Biblical one!  I tried to think of the longest word in the dictionary, but can't bring it up right now! Used to know that!!  Simply put, "God is Good...All the time!" ===JACK:  Theologically, I can accept that God is ultimately good...but I can also understand (because of circumstances) that there are those who think otherwise.

FROM SB:  Thank you for your winning words. As a child, one of the longest words I learned was antidisestablishmentarianism.===JACK:  I remember that word, too, but I can't recall the context.  I guess that's why God invented Google.

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