Tuesday, April 13, 2021


Jack’s Winning Words 4/13/21

“By desiring little a poor man makes himself rich.”  (Democritus)  Democritus is (one of :the BC Greeks) known as the “laughing philosopher” because of his emphasis on the value of cheerfulness.  In his day (as it still is today) one of the basic ways to be happy is to want fewer things.  Think about it….all those ads on TV….designed to cause us to want more.  In the movie, The Jerk, all that Navin needed to make him happy was an ashtray - and a paddle game - and a lamp.  “That’s all I need - and a remote control.”  I think Democritus would have liked watching  The Jerk.  It’s called, The funniest movie ever made.

FROM THE SHARK:  All I want is a set of golf clubs :)===JACK:  Do the lessons come first...or the clubs?  Did you ever play golf in Iraq?

FROM JU IN NC:   Loved the words that won today. I have discovered on many occasions that when I do less in one area that I may find great increases in another.===JACK:  Life is strange, and if you take the time to sit back and think about some of the really weird things that happen unexpectedly.

FROM AA IN FLORIDA:  SORRY JACK,  LANES, TRAINS AND AUTOMOBILES HAS TOPPED THE LIST FOR YEARS.  CLOSELY FOLLOWED BY YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN.  AND SOME OF MY OTHER FAVORITES, HAROLD AND MAUD, TAKE THE MONEY AND RUN AND BEST SPORT COMEDY SLAP SHOT.===JACK:  Sorry, AA!  Steve Martin has passed by your generation.  The movies you listed are funny, but you have to have "a certain brain" to truly enjoy The Jerk...."I'm picking out a thermos for you!"  Singing that song while in the bathtub....Hilarious!  Ask Teri to explain it to you.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  I think as we age, we lose the desire to accumulate "more" stuff, and do simplify your life...Of course I always had Bill's sign on the fridge,  "Want what you have, and you'll always have what you want"...which curbed our buying! As Irma Bombeck observed in her last book;, "I wish I had invited friends in, more often, in spite of  a shabby sofa or stains on the carpet!"  I'm sure she was exaggerating a bit, but our homes are usually never show places and perfect, and we have to settle for comfortable and lived in, but fellowship is so important!! We need to remember that!! ===JACK:  Google "Steve Martin singing "I'm picking out a thermos for you" and see if it doesn't crack you up.  Ask your children to explain it to you.

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