Friday, November 20, 2020

 JJack’s Winning Words 11/20/20

“We are not what other people say we are.  We are who we know ourselves to be.  That’s OK.”  (Transgender Slogan)  We honor transgender individuals on November 20, and remember the murder of Rita Hester in 1998.  Societal change has allowed me to meet and to have as friends that are LGBTQ.  I’ve learned from them and had my life enriched by them. We’re all different in our own way, and each of us knows ourselves as we are, not as others say we are.  That’s OK!  Today is TDOR!  ;-)  Jack 

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  some groups are eliminating the “t” bc of their radical agenda, such as transitioning children.===JACK:  Yes, sometimes the pendulum can swing tooo far.  But I thought, seriously, that Libertarians didn't care about pendulum swings.===LIZ:  not when they occur naturally... we’re all about freedom, you know!===JACK:  We are all different, and I'm satisfied with myself and my particular difference.

FROM ST PAUL MIN ST PAUL:  yesterday a fellow on TV described his gender as "non-binary".  any idea what that means?  just curious.===JACK:  It's my understanding that bi-nary sex means to be identified as neither male nor female.  Nature sometimes mixes things up, hence the word, Queer.  That word, in the past, has been used as a pejorative, when, if fact, it described some of nature's oddities.  I learned sometime today.  Hallelujah! 

FROM SF IN FL:  Have you watched ‘Transparent’ on Amazon Prime with Jeffrey Tambor and Judith Light? We thought it was wonderful ===JACK:  OK...It's on our "to watch" list.  Do you have banyone who is a close friend and a transgender?. 

FROM GOOD DEBT JON:   Good morning sir:  Speaking of truth, what’s your quick take on the the threats and intimidation from Wayne State’s Ned Staebler of the GOP Canvassers in Wayne County, MI?  Video on link below.  Followed by a mob of other videos from “activists” threatening their children, posting their names, phone numbers, and addresses online and where the kids go to school? Kids call this Doxx’ing apparently, they pass on publicly personal information for the fringe of the movement to do nefarious things. Like organized crime.  I know this is a few Marxists that have taken over DNC.  I feel sorry for all the honest Democrats that are being misled.  I still long for an accurate count, in GA they illegally made a deal to not verify any signatures on mail-in and absentee ballots.  I fear the Marxists want to take this to a bigger crises so they can say Trump “stole” the election. WI moved last night to change recount rules to limit RNC reviews?  Aside from being unconstitutional, it begs the question? Why do they not want the Republicans to see the ballots and match a signature?  The problem CNN and the legacy media has now is there are 1,000’s of independent sources for news.   The link below is just one of the thousands.   I can say the DNC is giving the best gift to the population: we are reading and learning the constitution and the amendments.  I predict the media Iron Curtain falls.   What do you think?  Is a fair count important?  Do you want to know who really won?===JACK:   It's OVER!  180 M to 170 M.  What is happe3ning now is trying to use the outdated Electoral College to come up with a different outcome.  I foresee a legislative fight to change the Constitution in this regard.  That's why there is an amendment process.  It took a long time to change the wording so that women could vote..===JON:  I care about freedom.  Trump will be gone in 2024; it's far bigger than Orange Man Bad.===JACK:  I did not intend to disagree.  I know Wayne County, and it produced probably the fairest of fair elections.  My take...We in America were on the verge of a dictatorship.  Somehow, "reason" prevailed.  I choose not to try and overturn "the will of the people."  It opens a can of worms.  I RESPECT you and your thoughts.  You are brighter thyan I am.  

FROM BB IN CHGO:  Thanks for your warm words.  I’m going to send along a link/newsletter that you might find interesting.  I have to log certain hours in law, professionalism and diversity to maintain my license to practice law.  I met Ellie during one of these sessions and, when I heard her deep voice initially thought “why do they have this speaker when there are so many others out there” and…”there are so few of these people, why does it matter”  her stories were warm and chilling.  She told of a bus driver who stopped a full bus on a bridge to talk to (and rescue) an LGBT teen who was ready to jump/commit suicide.  She had so many exercises where we grouped ourselves in categories as to how others see us rather than who we perceive ourselves to be.  In any case, her newsletter is long but informative and positive and I thought you would enjoy her words.  Jack, you are an inspiration to me.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart.  What a hero.===JACK:  Thanks for your thoughtful and "realistic" replies.  What I try to do is write about "real life," and you give answers that connect "Biblical thought" with life as we see it.==BB: Ellie Krug's story in this newsletter is about the man who was raised in foster care and has now adopted five sibling children from 5 separate families.




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