Wednesday, November 04, 2020

 Jack’s Winning Words 11/4/20

“The only thing new in the world is the history you don’t know.”  (Harry Truman)  I cast my first vote for HarryTruman as President.  It was a BIG deal when he made a 1948 “whistle-stop speech” in our community.  Not many people know that he was well-versed in history, knowing that historians don’t always tell the whole story.  I wonder what story will be told of this year’s election?.  A friend of mine was a long-time impersonator of HST at the Truman Library. ;-)  Jack

> FISH IN NOVA SCOTIA:  My parents took me to the opening of the Truman Museum. We met him in the reception line, and he recognized my mother as a member of the Kansas City Philharmonic Orchestra, where he had front-row season tickets.===JACK:  That is amazing.  Your "home" certainly influenced you in many ways.  Truman's is the only Presidential one that I've visited.  I thin that the Obama one to be built on the Univ of Chicago will be awesome.

FROM YOGIB CA:  Right?  Would love to hear what history is told about this election in 100 years.===JACK:  Maybe i'm too cynical.  I suppose there won't be a museum.. Visitors will be able to listen to Tweets. 

FROM RS  IN TEXAS:  Time will tell what will be written - and how accurately - about this election.  For me the Presidential election was pretty simple....a choice between a political agenda/money and character/decency/honesty.  So far it's really disappointing that for almost half the population the former was more important than the latter.===JACK:  Each generation has its memories.  I'm glad that mine are of Truman (the minimalist) and not of Trump (the maximalist).===RS:  Don't remember Truman, but more and more Jimmy Carter is becoming my favorite because of the values he has.===JACK:  I wonder if that means that a person of values has a hard time being presidential?

FROM FLIGHT INSTR TOM:  Jack - I was in 1st grade and the entire school went down to the local railroad station for the train to stop by with President Truman.  Back then, as you know, they were called whistle stop tours.  Hope all is well.===JACK:  My first whistle-stop experience was Alf Landon from Kansans when he was running against FDR.  I still have a campaign button from that ...shaped as a sunflower.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  I AM SO IMPRESSED, AFTER READING HIS BIOGRAPHY A FEW  YRS. aAGO WITH HIS INTEGRITY, AND 'PAYING HIS OWN WAY"  IN THE WHITE HOUSE. HE AND BESS KEPT TRACK OF EVERY PENNY SPENT, AND PD. FOR ALL THEIR GUESTS, ETC. ! UNHEARD OF TODAY!  HE WAS ADMIRABLE IN MANY WAYS! CROSSING MY FINGERS AS THIS VOTE COUNTING GOES ON AND ON...!===JACK:  Joan's mother would not vote for Truman because "he swore."  Trump would send her spinning in her grave, ===OAKS:   When someone asked Bess if she couldn't get him to stop saying "Manure", she replied, "Do you know how long it took to get him to say that instead of the other word for manure??!" Ha!===JACK:  I knew where you were heading with your response and kept looking ahead to see if you would "write" the other words.  As expected, you did n't.  Did you ever say it accidentally?

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  i have been to the Truman Library in KC, MO.   it is very impressive!.   i learned a LOT that day.   every kid in America should be made to visit our presidential libraries.   they are just full of American history.  ===JACK:  "You can lead a horse to water, et."  I can't believe all of those Tr8ump voters never took a History or Civics class.



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