Friday, November 13, 2020

 Jack’s Winning Words 11/13/20

“I don’t know what the future holds, but I do know who holds the future.”  (Unknown) Here are some song lyrics by Kurt Kaiser that have helped me when I wonder about the future.
“Why not try to do this when you wake up at night  Troubles race into your mind and sleep becomes a fight  Try this simple method and you soon will gain control  Sleep will quickly come again and calm come o'er your soul.
Thank you Lord for hearing me  Thank you Lord for knowing who I am  Thank you Lord for seeing me
It's so easy to get lost these days  In the shuffle and the noise.”

FROM JE AT WLCCSD:  Thank you so much for today’s WW and the daily WW. It is unsettling not knowing what the future holds. Faith, and WW, keeps me going. I hope you are staying safe. As Thanksgiving approaches, know I am thankful for YOU and WW and having had the opportunity to witness your faithfulness to friends, family and community.  Have a beautiful day.===JACK:    I know that you've got a lot on your plate...and not just for Thanksgiving Day.  Best wishes and God's blessing be with you.

FROM ER IN NFL:  It's very interesting to me that you chose this quote. I had found it, and wrote it down, to place by my work computer. See attached.  I appreciate your solution to middle of the night insomnia. I can't wait to give it a try. I will say that I have chatted with God many times just prior to falling asleep to try to calm mind.===JACK:  I am a private person and tend to share "myself" with peopl who can benefit from what I have experienced. 

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