Tuesday, November 03, 2020


Jack’s Winning Words 11/3/20
“When you go to buy, use your eyes, not your ears.”  (Czech Proverb)  Today is election day, an end to all of the words and all of the faces of candidates.  It is now time for us to use our brains and mark our ballots.  One way or another, some will be disappointed and others will rejoice.  Hopefully, our country will be going back to being the “United” States of America.  Do you think that God cares about the election outcome?  I think He cares that we love one another as He loves us. ;-)  Jack

FROM SF IN FL:  Praying for good outcomes, both in the person elected and the behavior of the electorate. I am scared and shocked at the tactics of the current administration and his followers. People are dying and our grandchildren are witnessing a side of humanity that is appalling.===JACK:  When it comes to prayer, answers that I like inspire me.  Unanswered ones are a puzzle; tp me.  "Wait and see" are a frustration....but I still believe that conversation with  God is a good thing ( like the ones Tevye had)

FROM HUMBUG:  Yes, He calls us to be light in the world. Peace, John===JACK:  To be "the light of God to the world:...what can be greater than that?  So....no matter how the election turns out, We are God's light to the world.  Thanks for the positive thought.  

FROM SALON SUZY:  🇺🇸Amen!🇺🇸===JACK:  A saying that I remember..."There's so much bad in the best of us, and so much  good in the worst of us, that it behooves none of us to soeak ill of the rest of us,"



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